Access Manager FAQ
What is Freddie Mac Access Manager?
Access Manager is a self-service system that enables Seller/Servicers who have registered and received Freddie Mac's authorization, to create, manage, and provision their users' access to certain Freddie Mac Single-Family sourcing and servicing tools and applications.
Why should I use Access Manager?
Access Manager simplifies user provisioning, saving clients time and effort. With Access Manager, you can:
- Create and self-manage users and effectively control their access to our applications.
- Set users' application access at any time – you used to have to submit an online form that took several days to process. Now, you get your users' ID and password in minutes – saving valuable time.
- Experience faster turnaround on access requests – from days to minutes.
- Eliminate paper request forms and receive access in real time − automating the provisioning process also means no more paper forms, helping you make the move to a paperless environment.
- Improve transparency with on-demand reporting and periodic recertification of users.
- Lower your risk by occasionally recertifying your user base to facilitate accurate access to all tools.
What are the administrative roles for Access Manager?
There are four administrative roles for Access Manager:
- Executive Administrator – Creates and manages Primary and Secondary Administrators and grants them permission to provision access to available Freddie Mac tools and applications for other users across your organization.
- Primary Elevated Administrators – Provision access for authorized users to all applicable managed access tools and Seller/Servicer or RTP Numbers(s) associated to the authorizing entity. You will automatically receive any additional managed access tools or Seller/Servicer or RTP Number(s) added to the authorized entity in the future. You can also create, modify and disable Primary and Secondary Administrators.
- Primary Administrator – Creates and manages Secondary Administrators and provisions access to available Freddie Mac tools and applications.
- Secondary Administrator (optional) – Provisions access to available Freddie Mac tools and applications.
- Certifier – Participates in recertification campaigns to confirm user accounts and user access for your organization. Certifier privileges may also be assigned to any user.
Which Freddie Mac tools and applications are available through Access Manager?
Almost all Freddie Mac sourcing and servicing tools are accessible through Access Manager, including:
- ACD Data CollectionSM
- BPODirect®
- Develper Portal
- Cash Manager
- Condo Project AdvisorSM
- Default Fee Appeal System
- Electronic Billing (eBill)
- Exclusionary List (eList)
- Foreclosure Sale Reporting
- Freddie Automated Servicing Transfer (FAST®)
- Loan Closing Advisor®
- Loan Collateral Advisor®
- Loan Coverage Advisor®
- Loan Level Reporting
- Loan Product Advisor®
- Loan Quality Advisor®
- Loan Selling Advisor®
- PAID (Payments Automated Intelligent and Dynamic)
- Post-Fund Data Correction Tool
- Quality Control Advisor®
- Real Estate Valuation and Pricing
- Resolve®
- Servicer Performance Profile
- Servicing Transfer Manager
- Servicing Data Corrections
- Total MI Cancellations
- Total MI Claims
- Total MI Reconciliations
- UCount®
- Workout Prospector®
I am an Administrator and need to provision additional access to someone in my organization. How can I find out if they already have an Access Manager user ID?
Before creating a new Access Manager user ID for someone in your organization, follow these steps to determine if an ID already exists for the individual and to encourage a single sign-on experience for a user:
- Log into Access Manager
- From the Home page, click on “Find User” and enter their email address in the search box
- If a user exists with that email address, you may provision additional access by clicking “Add User Access”.
- If a user does not exist with that email address, you may continue to create a user ID and provision the needed access by clicking “Create New User with Access”.
Can I obtain reports on my organization's use of and access to Freddie Mac tools and applications?
Executive and Primary Administrators can run reports in Access Manager in real time that provide data about their user base and see what access they have. Reports can be easily downloaded in PDF and the CSV formats on demand, improving transparency of real-time data.
Is training available?
Yes, We offer a self-paced tutorial that provides an overview, hands-on activities, and simulations. In addition, the system has extensive built-in online help features.
How do I register for Access Manager?
You can request expedited onboarding to the system from the Access Manager page. Select "Getting Started" to fill out a brief form requesting access.
Who do I contact with questions?
To learn more about Freddie Mac Access Manager, or any of the tools or applications that are available through it, call the Customer Support Contact Center at (800-FREDDIE).