July 2024

Connecticut Mortgage
We have revised Paragraph 26(a)(vi) of the Connecticut Mortgage (Form 3007 07/2021).  
The revised Connecticut Mortgage tagline will show a version date of (Form 3007 07/2021 (rev. 07/24)).

Kentucky Mortgage
We also updated the definition of “Lender” and “Notes” in the Kentucky Mortgage (Form 3018 07/2021) along with the “Transfer of Rights in the Property” paragraph.   The corresponding Kentucky Short Form Mortgage (Form 3018-SF 07/2021) has also been revised to correspond with these changes.
The revised Kentucky Mortgage tagline will show a version date of (Form 3018 07/2021 (rev. 07/24)). 
The revised Kentucky Short Form Mortgage tagline will show a version date of (Form 3018-SF 07/2021 (rev. 07/24)). 
*Please note the Sample MERS Kentucky Mortgage tagline will show an version date of (Form 3018 07/2021 (rev. 07/24)). 

List of Single-Family Uniform Instruments

The Single-Family Uniform Instruments list has been updated.  A detailed list of all of the Single-Family Uniform Instruments currently provided by Freddie Mac is posted on our website at: 

May 2024

In response to industry feedback, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (“the GSEs”) have published additional State-specific Multistate 30-day Average SOFR ARM instruments that currently require State-specific authorized changes. There will be no content changes to these newly published instruments other than incorporating all State-specific required authorized changes and adding a State-specific tagline.

For example, the GSEs currently publish a Multistate Fixed Rate Note along with additional State-specific notes that incorporate any required state specific changes. To align with this approach, the GSEs have published State-specific versions of the following instruments:

  • Multistate Adjustable Rate Note – 30-day Average SOFR (Form 3441)
  • Multistate Adjustable Rate Rider – 30-day Average SOFR (Form 3141)
  • Multistate Fixed/Adjustable Rate Note – 30-day Average SOFR (Form 3442)
  • Multistate Fixed/Adjustable Rate Rider – 30-day Average SOFR (Form 3142)

These instruments are available for immediate use but must be used for any loans with Note Dates on or after November 1, 2024.

January 2024

Updated Texas Deed of Trust

The Texas Deed of Trust has been revised to correct a typographical error in Section 27.

The revised Texas Deed of Trust tagline will show a version date of (Form 3044 07/2021 (rev. 01/24)).