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Uniform Loan Delivery Dataset

The Uniform Loan Delivery Dataset (ULDD) supports the work to implement uniform data standards and defines the data that we require at loan delivery based on loan type, loan feature or other business requirements.

Business Resources

ULDD data is granular, standardized, and has clear definitions, providing sellers with a common understanding of the meaning of each data point. The result is greater transparency, which helps sellers gain a better understanding of our assessment of mortgage risk and purchase requirements on loans they sell to us.

ULDD Revisions

The ULDD Revisions webpage is designed to assist you with loan delivery requirement revisions to ULDD since the last publication. The revisions include ULDD specification updates and ULDD impacts that were previously communicated in Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (Guide) Bulletins. The webpage will be updated periodically.

September 12, 2023 - ULDD Publication

ULDD Phase 4a Update

Freddie Mac is providing updates to existing ULDD Phase 4a data points (i.e., enumerations, implementation notes, conditionality, and conditionality details).

ULDD Phase 5

The Phase 5 updates add new data points and updates to existing data points to support the Enterprise Credit Score and Credit Reports Initiative, alignment with the new redesigned UAD 3.6 and business critical requirements.

The following resources are available to help you with the implementation of ULDD:


Implementation Timeline

Additional Resources