Freddie Mac's Exclusionary List
Click the following link to access the Freddie Mac Exclusionary List:
View the Exclusionary list or log inxls
The first time you access this URL, you’ll be presented with a one-time self-registration process. If you access additional Freddie Mac applications that use the new PING platform, you may have already registered and do not need to take further action. If you need assistance, please contact the Customer Support Contact Center (800-FREDDIE) and request support to access the Exclusionary List from this link.
The Exclusionary List excludes individuals from participating in transactions or doing business, directly or indirectly, with Freddie Mac. Seller/Servicers are required to use the Exclusionary List in accordance with the Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (“Guide”) and must not use the Exclusionary List for any other purpose without Freddie Mac’s written permission. Document Custodians and certain other Related Third Parties (as each term is defined in the Guide), each a “Freddie Mac Counterparty,” are required to use the Exclusionary List solely in accordance with the terms of its applicable agreements (“Agreement”) with Freddie Mac.
The Exclusionary List and the information contained in it is highly confidential and, in accordance with the Guide and/or Agreement, Seller/Servicers and Freddie Mac Counterparties must keep the Exclusionary List and its contents confidential. Seller/Servicers and Freddie Mac Counterparties must not disclose the Exclusionary List and its contents without Freddie Mac’s prior written permission.
The Exclusionary List is usually updated at least monthly by Freddie Mac and is electronically available to Seller/Servicers and Freddie Mac Counterparties through this web page (see link above) or through some Freddie Mac tools. The Seller/Servicer and/or Freddie Mac Counterparty must ensure to use only the most current version of the Exclusionary List and obtain an authorized ID and password to access it.
If you require access to the Exclusionary List, or require an update to your current access profile, please contact your Access Manager primary or secondary administrator, your Freddie Mac representative, or call Customer Support Contact Center (800-FREDDIE).
If you have general questions regarding the Exclusionary List, please contact [email protected].