Servicing Portfolio Transfers
When acquiring a servicing portfolio, either through purchase, interim transfer, or subservicing, you must link your organization with that new portfolio using various Freddie Mac applications and processes. The following checklists will guide you through the steps required to obtain access to our servicing-related suite of technology tools so that you're able to service your new portfolio.
Servicing Transfer Management Checklist: Transfer of Mortgage Servicing Portfolio
Use this checklist to complete the appropriate transfer request, ensure a successful transfer of servicing and gain access to the required applications when your organization acquires servicing contract rights by way of purchase or mergers.
Servicing Transfer Management Checklist: Subservicing
Use this checklist to complete the appropriate form (479A), and/or transfer request and gain access to our servicing-related suite of technology tools when your organization enters into an agreement to subservice a portfolio of Freddie Mac mortgages as a Servicing Agent.
Note about the MISMO Servicing Transfers Catalog:
Freddie Mac encourages Servicers to adopt the Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO) Servicing Transfer Catalog (MSTC) and incorporate it into their Transfer of Servicing (TOS) process.
Through an industry-led effort supported by Freddie Mac, the MSTC was developed to facilitate Servicer-to-Servicer transfers. The industry-standard templates provided in the MSTC are designed to improve speed and accuracy and create a more seamless process for the borrower and the Transferee Servicer.
Included in the MSTC is the minimum set of instructional and transactional documentation required when conducting a Servicer-to-Servicer transfer. It also includes templates and best practices for servicing transfer instructions, portfolio characteristics, image transfer schedules, required reporting, reconciliation and more.
Servicers can access the MSTC through the MISMO website.