In February, we announced making improvements to Loan Product Advisor® feedback messages to help you make quicker decisions, underwrite more loans and get a competitive edge. Check out the latest improvements to messages, effective September 27, 2020 and December 5, 2020.

Click here to access the feedback messages.                                                                            

For More Information

For quick access to the latest Loan Product Advisor feedback message updates, bookmark the Freddie Mac Loan Advisor® Resources and Learning web page.

There’s Still Time: Participate in the URLA Limited Production Period

Earlier this year, clients were invited to participate in the Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) limited production period (LPP). If your organization meets the eligibility criteria and prerequisites to participate, you can begin using the redesigned URLA and Loan Product Advisor v5.0.06 in a controlled production environment. But you won’t do this alone--we’ll be there to provide you with support and assistance tailored to your individual needs. 

Read the announcement to learn more about participating in the URLA LPP or contact your Freddie Mac representative or Customer Support Contact Center (800-FREDDIE) today.