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Uniform Residential Loan Application

URLA Business Resources

In 2021, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (the GSEs) completed a modernization of the URLA to enhance the loan origination process for borrowers and lenders. The project began in 2013. The redesigned URLA was published in 2019 and became mandatory for all new loans to the GSEs on March 1, 2021. At the same time, Freddie Mac’s automated underwriting system (AUS) Loan Product Advisor® (LPASM)’s specification was updated based on MISMO’s v3.4 reference model to support the redesigned URLA. The LPA specification is regularly updated to reflect changes in AUS underwriting requirements. The GSEs meet regularly to discuss and align on data collection changes and their representation in the specifications.

NOTE: The term “realtor” appears in Section 5: Declarations (5a.C.) of the Uniform Residential Loan Application (1/2021). REALTOR® is a registered service mark of the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR). Only members of NAR may call themselves REALTORS®. This term will be removed when the form is next updated and replaced with “real estate agent” or other similar term.

Supplemental Consumer Information Form (Form 1103)

For new conventional loans sold to the GSEs, the Supplemental Consumer Information Form (SCIF/Form 1103) is a required document in the loan file, as announced in Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide Bulletin 2022-15. Any data provided on the SCIF must also be included in the LPA submission file.

The SCIF is also available in Spanish, traditional Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and Tagalog on our multi-language resources web page to help lenders serve borrowers with limited English proficiency.

Loan Product Advisor® (LPASM) Data Specifications

For lenders and prospective software partners interested in submitting files to LPA, we are pleased to provide the most recent LPA Request Requirements for your review. These requirements provide you with the information needed to assess the data needed to obtain underwriting from LPA.  If you are interested in integrating with LPA, please contact your integration representative or email [email protected].

If you are an approved Freddie Mac Seller that requires access to the complete set of updated LPA system-to-system specifications, please contact your Freddie Mac representative or the Customer Support Contact Center (800-FREDDIE).