We’ve made the following updates (effective June 30, 2021) to Freddie Mac proprietary feedback messages for Loan Collateral Advisor®, that are also shared in the Uniform Collateral Data Portal® (UCDP®):

  • Updated two messages to change the severity indicator from Severe to Warning. Also updated them to provide more actionable feedback about the information needed based on the number of comparables indicated by the appraiser. (Message IDs: FRE4315 and FRE4316)
  • Removed several project-level condominium requirement messages to improve the relevancy and accuracy of the feedback you receive through the tool. (Message IDs: FRE4603, FRE4629, FRE4659, FRE4669, FRE4691, FRE4692 and FRE4698)

The Loan Collateral Advisor feedback message list and UCDP feedback message list have both been updated with this change.