July’s Loan Product Advisor® (LPASM) releases align with the most recent Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide updates and to help you streamline the way you work. They include updates to Freddie Mac Enhanced Relief Refinance® mortgages and a new filter functionality added to the assignment log to help improve the way you access information.

Read the July LPA release notes for a comprehensive list of all the updates and view a consolidated list of the feedback message updates related to the July releases.

Your System Access Credentials May Require Your Attention

Guide Bulletin 2020-45 announced that we are further enhancing our access management provisioning standards, consistent with Freddie Mac’s overarching objective of protecting your data from security threats.

We’ve since started notifying clients that these enhancements require that system-to-system (S2S) authentication credentials for Freddie Mac tools be reset every 365 days beginning in 2021. We encourage clients to use the resources provided in the Single-Family news article to complete this important process in a timely manner to ensure compliance and prevent the risk of tool access being suspended.

Reminder: Retirement of CMT-indexed ARMs

In Guide Bulletin 2020-1, under FHFA guidance, Freddie Mac announced that it would cease purchasing CMT-indexed ARMs in 2021. More recently, Guide Bulletin 2021-19 announced that Freddie Mac will not purchase any CMT-indexed ARM that has an Application Received Date of July 1, 2021 or later.

Additionally, Freddie Mac will no longer purchase CMT-indexed ARMs on and after October 1, 2021, regardless of the application received date or note date. Therefore, LPA will be updated to prevent the submission of CMT-indexed ARMs on or after October 1, 2021.

Asset and Reserves Feedback Message Enhancements

Asset and reserves feedback messages have been updated to provide you with more clarity and details on what to do next and consolidated to reduce the number of informational messages you receive. The messages are effective September 26, 2021. View the messages.