You may begin entering loan applications for Freddie Mac Refi PossibleSM (Refi Possible) using Loan Product Advisor® (LPASM) or by manually underwriting.

Freddie Mac is dedicated to offering refinance solutions to qualified borrowers that can benefit from them the most. To support this focus, we’ve developed Refi Possible resources to empower you in supporting your borrowers and to answer their questions.

We Are Ready When You Are.

To help you in getting started, reach out to your software partner to learn about their planned implementation timeline and readiness in supporting Refi Possible. *

Follow these three simple steps:



*If you have additional questions you can contact your Freddie Mac representative or the Customer Support Contact Center (800-FREDDIE).

Benefits of Refi Possible

  1. Grow your business by refinancing borrowers with lower incomes who now qualify with more expanded eligibility requirements.
  2. Help clients save at least $50 on monthly mortgage payments with a minimum 0.50% reduction in interest rates.
  3. Support clients in sustaining homeownership and the opportunity to build generational wealth through housing

Explore our Refi Possible tools and resources to help you get started

Refi PossibleSM Income and Property Eligibility Tool

Refi Possible, our refinance solution, makes it easier for you to assist lower-income clients with a Freddie-Mac owned mortgage, to benefit from refinancing opportunities and expanded flexibilities.

To assist you in identifying lower-income borrowers who may qualify for this new offering, we have developed the Freddie Mac Refi PossibleSM Income and Property Eligibility Tool.

About This Tool

Use this tool to verify whether a borrower may qualify for a Refi Possible mortgage based on the property location and the borrower’s qualifying income.


Click here to go to Refi Possible Income and Property Eligibility Tool

Does Freddie Mac Own My Client’s Loan?

Use our secured Loan Look-Up Tool to quickly find out if Freddie Mac owns the loan.

For More Information

To access the latest news, updates, product and education resources for Refi Possible, visit the Refi Possible page, our one-stop digital resource to help you spend less time looking for information and more time expanding your business.

Make sure to view the full eligibility requirements for Refi Possible in the Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide Chapter 4302, Freddie Mac Refi Possible℠ Mortgages.