Refi Possible® Income and Property Eligibility Tool
Use this tool to verify if a borrower can qualify for a Freddie Mac Refi Possible® mortgage based on the property location and the borrowers' qualifying income. For best results, enter the complete property street address.
How to Read Your Results
Enter a street address to obtain the most accurate results. A pop-up window will appear with the following information:
- FIPS Code – Uniquely identifies the census tract.
- Refi Possible Income Limit – For the specific census tract, this is the maximum borrower income allowed to qualify for Refi Possible.
Qualification Disclaimer – This tool is intended to help provide guidance as to qualifications for Refi Possible mortgages and other programs. Final purchase eligibility is determined within Loan Product Advisor® or via approved manual underwriting.
In the sample scenario, the user entered "1551 Park Run Dr, Mc Lean, VA 22102, USA" in the search field which produced the following result:
- "Refi Possible Qualifying Income Limit" is the same as "100% Area Median Income." This means that the borrower's income cannot exceed 100% of the AMI when qualifying for a Refi Possible mortgage for properties within this census tract.