Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (the GSEs) are providing an update to Phase 3 of the Uniform Loan Delivery Dataset (ULDD), as a follow up to our January 10, 2019 announcement. The GSEs are clarifying updates to existing ULDD data points, as described below.

Closing Cost and Down Payment Data

In response to customer feedback, the GSEs are continuing to explore alternative sources for the Closing Cost and Down Payment data currently collected in the ULDD and will look for opportunities to solicit industry feedback as we work toward resolution. In the interim, the ULDD specification has been updated to reflect that Closing Cost and Down Payment data should be provided by Sellers, if available. Beginning May 20, 2019, the GSEs will only generate fatal edits for these data points when the following are reported:

  • invalid enumerations, or
  • incomplete data containers – If any amount, source, or type is provided, all three (amount, source, and type) must be provided, as in the examples below:
    • Example 1: A Closing Cost Contribution Amount (Sort ID 151) is reported without a related Closing Cost Funds Type (Sort IDs 152/153) and Closing Cost Source Type (Sort IDs 154/155).
    • Example 2: A Down Payment Type (Sort IDs 175/176) is reported (such as “Gift”) without a related Down Payment Amount (Sort ID 172) and Down Payment Source Type (Sort IDs 173/174).

If you are already delivering or have made system updates to deliver these data points, the GSEs encourage you to continue delivering them.

URLA Data Collection in ULDD

The new Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA), which may be used as early as July 1, 2019, no longer collects several pieces of data that are required in the ULDD. Several minor updates have been made to the ULDD specification to accommodate these changes, effective July 1, 2019, as follows:

Both GSEs:

  • The Uniform Loan Application Dataset (ULAD) supports several new asset enumerations. See ULDD Appendix D for specific mapping of new ULAD enumerations.

Fannie Mae Only:

  • PropertyStructureBuiltYear (ULDD Sort ID 67) will be conditionally required if a property appraisal is available
  • BorrowerPaidDiscountPointsTotalAmount (ULDD Sort ID 194) will be optional
  • LoanForeclosureOrJudgmentIndicator (ULDD Sort ID 599) will be conditionally required, if available

Freddie Mac Only:

  • LoanForeclosureOrJudgmentIndicator (ULDD Sort ID 599) will continue to be required for all loans and should be populated as “TRUE” if any of the following ULAD data points are “TRUE”:
  • OutstandingJudgmentsIndicator (ULAD Unique ID 8.0029)
  • PriorPropertyDeedInLieuConveyedIndicator (ULAD Unique ID 8.0036)
  • PriorPropertyForeclosureCompletedIndicator (ULAD Unique ID 8.0042)

Additional Information

Credit Score Provider data

To provide our customers with more choices to retrieve merged credit, MeridianLink® and SharperLendingTM along with their technical affiliates have been added to the list of enumerations for CreditScoreProviderName (Sort ID 591.1). Refer to Appendix D (Tab 8-Enumerations) for the complete listing and effective dates for delivery in Loan Selling Advisor®.

Questions about this announcement may be directed to your Freddie Mac representative or sent to the ULDD Mailbox. The ULDD FAQs and the Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (Guide) will be updated in the coming weeks to reflect the information provided in this announcement.