Uniform Loan Delivery Dataset FAQ
Updated as of December 19, 2023
NOTE: Changes since the previous update are marked NEW or UPDATED.
Non-substantive wording edits, numbering, or header changes are not marked.
General ULDD
Are Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (the GSEs) aligned on the ULDD?
The GSEs recognize the need for continued alignment on the ULDD data standards. The GSEs are fully aligned on the ULDD Phase 3 Demographic Information (DI) data requirements for borrower’s race, ethnicity and gender. However, there are certain other data requirements that are unique to each GSE. To determine these differences, we recommend merging the list of data points from each GSE’s Appendix D (Microsoft Excel® format with filtering capabilities) and reviewing the list side by side.
Why does the ULDD include data related to the identification of warehouse lenders?
The GSEs collect the warehouse lender identifier through the ULDD XML import file to identify loans that are pledged to a warehouse line of credit. Sellers can more efficiently identify the warehouse lender on the loan record at delivery, thereby streamlining the identification of loans requiring release of funds at settlement.
Why does the ULDD include data related to the identification of units in condominium, cooperative and Planned Unit Development (PUD) projects?
In Q1 2016, in support of the Uniform Mortgage Data Program®, the GSEs introduced Condominium Project Questionnaires to provide greater consistency and clarity for lenders as they collect information to determine eligibility for mortgages secured by units in condominium projects. To further support this effort, the ULDD includes conditional requirements for a unique project identifier, when the identifier is available. The GSEs will look at future opportunities to collect an identifier to help streamline the evaluation of units in condominium, cooperative and PUD projects, and reduce variations in the data being collected.
Where can I obtain the Homeowners Association’s (HOA) Employee Identification Number (EIN) to provide as the Taxpayer Identifier Value (Sort ID 641.6)?
The HOA EIN may be obtained from the HOA or the HOA’s management company. Many lenders choose to use a form to gather needed information from the HOA or their management company. If lenders do not have a proprietary form to collect this information, they may use either of the Condominium Project Questionnaires (Form 476 or Form 477).
Why does the ULDD include data related to loan escrows?
Collecting escrow data helps streamline the onboarding process for loans delivered through Freddie Mac’s Cash-Released XChange℠ execution. Escrow data reported at loan delivery is passed to the transferee servicer. Transferee servicers use the escrow balance information to support loan/borrower onboarding and for settlement of the servicing contract rights purchase with the servicing-released seller. If the loan has not been delivered through Cash-Released XChange, reporting of escrow data is not required.
If the escrow balance reported at loan delivery changes after acquisition, do I need to notify Freddie Mac or request a post-funding adjustment?
No. Failure to accurately report the current escrow balance may result in funding adjustments between the transferee servicers and loan seller after acquisition. The loan seller is not required to notify Freddie Mac of escrow adjustments through post-funding adjustments or other methods of correction.
Are the GSEs aligned on the collection of data related to down payment and closing costs?
Yes. In May 2019, the GSEs announced that closing cost and down payment amounts should be delivered to the GSEs if they are available. Sellers that are already providing or are planning to provide this data should continue to do so. Any closing cost or down payment data provided must be accurate and complete. For example, if an amount is provided, a related source and type should also be provided. The GSEs will not generate fatal edits if closing cost or down payment amounts are absent from the ULDD for any loan, including affordable housing loans.
The conditionality and enumerations of the data points are aligned between the GSEs. Freddie Mac supports up to 4 unique Type/Source/Amount combinations and provides instructions to sellers regarding the summing and prioritization of reported enumerations when more than 4 unique Type/Source/Amount combinations exist; whereas Fannie Mae supports up to 12 unique Type/Source/Amount combinations.
In addition, the redesigned Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) provides the opportunity for collection of Funds Source Types and Asset Types which are not valid ULDD enumerations; in those cases, the following mapping should be used.
If the URLA / ULAD / LPA Funds Source Type enumeration is, and the gift or grant reported to LPA was applied to closing costs or down payment, Then provide ULDD enumeration: UnmarriedPartner Relative If the URLA / ULAD / LPA Asset Type enumeration is, and the asset reported to LPA was applied to closing costs or down payment, Then provide ULDD enumeration: GiftOfCash GiftFunds GiftOfPropertyEquity GiftFunds IndividualDevelopmentAccount CheckingSavings ProceedsFromSaleOfNonRealEstateAsset SaleOfChattel ProceedsFromUnsecuredLoan UnsecuredBorrowedFunds StockOptions StocksAndBonds OtherLiquidAsset, OtherNonLiquidAsset DO NOT MAP TO A VALID ULDD ENUMERATION -
What is a Universal Loan Identifier (ULI)? How is it different from a MERS/MIN?
The ULI is a unique number assigned by a financial institution to a loan or application; it can be up to 45 characters in length. The ULI may be used to track loans throughout the loan’s lifecycle, whereas the MERS® Mortgage Identification Number (MIN) is primarily used to identify a loan’s servicer or to facilitate servicing transfers. For additional information about generating a ULI refer to Compilation of Reportable Data from Part 1003.4 of Regulation C on the CFPB website. For more information on generating the ULI check-digits, refer to Appendix C to Part 1003 on the CFPB website.
Why are the GSEs requiring delivery of the new Universal Loan Identifier (ULI) data?
The ULI may be used to track a loan throughout its lifecycle. Per the HMDA Final Rule, most lenders must begin assigning a ULI for loans with an Application Received Date on or after January 1, 2018. The ULI is Conditionally Required; the GSEs require sellers to deliver the ULI at loan delivery, if it is available. Sellers should report the same ULI to the GSEs that they report for regulatory purposes to CFPB.
I see the Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) has been redesigned, and some of the data has been removed or changed. Where should I obtain the ULDD data if it is no longer available on the URLA?
The Freddie Mac ULDD has been updated to reflect changes resulting from the redesigned URLA. Specifically:
- LoanForeclosureOrJudgmentIndicator (Sort ID 599) will continue to be required for all loans and should be populated as “true” if the response on the redesigned URLA is "YES" in Section 5: Declarations, 5b. About Your Finances, to either question J or L; or if either of the following ULAD data points are “true”:
- PriorPropertyDeedInLieuConveyedIndicator (ULAD Unique ID 8.0036)
- PriorPropertyForeclosureCompletedIndicator (ULAD Unique ID 8.0042)
- PropertyStructureBuiltYear (Sort ID 67) will be conditionally required if a property appraisal, or Home Value Explorer® (HVE), Freddie Mac's Automated Valuation Model (AVM) tool, was used to value the subject property/provide an estimate of property value.
For loans originated using the redesigned URLA, PropertyStructureBuiltYear (Sort ID 67) is not required if the loan has no appraisal; for example, for loans where the Seller accepts an appraisal waiver. - LoanForeclosureOrJudgmentIndicator (Sort ID 599) will continue to be required for all loans and should be populated as “true” if the response on the redesigned URLA is "YES" in Section 5: Declarations, 5b. About Your Finances, to either question J or L; or if either of the following ULAD data points are “true”:
In the ULDD data specification, what is the difference between Loan Affordable Indicator in Sort ID 238 and Loan Affordable Indicator in Sort ID 513.1?
Loan Affordable Indicator Sort ID 238 is used to identify a first lien mortgage meeting Freddie Mac’s affordable lending criteria, such as a Home Possible® Mortgage. Loan Affordable Indicator Sort ID 513.1 is used to identify when a first mortgage has secondary financing meeting Freddie Mac’s affordable lending criteria, such as Affordable Seconds®. The ULDD Specification contains Loan Role Type information used to differentiate between data points with the same MISMO name. The Sort ID 238 Loan Role Type is “Subject Loan”, whereas the Sort ID 513.1 Loan Role Type is “Related Loan”. Data point, Loan Affordable Indicator (Sort ID 513.1) replaced Investor Feature Identifier (IFI) 583, indicating Mortgage with an Affordable Second®.
Is the Refinance Cash Out Amount reported in ULDD Sort ID 293 meant to be the same as the Cash To Borrower At Closing Amount data point in the Uniform Closing Dataset (UCD)?
No. The ULDD does not expect the Refinance Cash Out Amount (Sort ID 293) to be equal to the UCD Cash To Borrower At Closing Amount in all circumstances. The amount reported in the ULDD data point includes loan amounts for which the use is not limited to specific purposes; see Freddie Mac’s Single-Family Seller Servicer Guide (Guide) Section 4301.5: Cash-out refinance Mortgages. The Refinance Cash Out Amount must only be entered for Mortgages meeting the definition of a cash-out refinance mortgage, and delivered according to the delivery requirements set forth in Guide Section 6302.16: Special delivery requirements for refinance Mortgages. The seller should follow Freddie Mac’s implementation guidance rather than a strict interpretation of MISMO’s definition.
MISMO and XML Formatting
What version of MISMO does ULDD use?
The ULDD continues to leverage the MISMO v3.0 Build 263-12 Reference Model (version 2010-05). Please note that other versions of the reference model are not currently compatible with the ULDD.
Do you have any plans to transition to another version of MISMO in the future?
No. We have no plans at this time to transition to another version of MISMO.
Will the same loan delivery file work for delivery submission to both GSEs?
Although the basic loan delivery XML file format is supported by each GSE, there are differences in the data conditionality and/or the supported valid values for certain data points based on each GSE's policies and delivery eligibility requirements. These differences are detailed in the GSE-specific Implementation Guides. Additionally, it is important to note that when delivering loans to either GSE, Sellers must continue to meet the terms and conditions of their contracts.
What is XML?
XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. It is a flexible and widely used standard to transport and store data that simplifies the way businesses exchange electronic data.
Why do the GSEs have different allowable valid values for certain data points?
Based on each GSE's credit policy and delivery eligibility, there are certain data points that have different expected and allowable values or enumerations. The details in the GSE-specific Implementation Guides for Loan Delivery Data provide the information needed to code these data points with the GSE-specific values.
The data points within the ULDD also have varying levels of conditionality – some are required for both GSEs, some are conditionally required (such as ARM data attributes), and some are conditionally independent (such as pool data for Fannie Mae only). The basic framework of the file is the same and the hierarchical structure of the containers that define specified collections of loan data points within the file is the same.
How can I compare the differences between the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae file and data requirements?
The GSEs jointly developed Appendix D in Excel® format. The GSEs’ spreadsheets can be easily merged, allowing you to compare the differences.
Why does ULDD use extension containers? - UPDATED
The ULDD includes some data points and valid values that are not supported by the MISMO v3.0 Reference Model. Because MISMO allows for expansion of the schema through the use of extension containers, the GSEs are leveraging this feature to accommodate the ULDD data requirements without transitioning to a newer MISMO model. Sellers and technology solution providers will need to build their XML files according to the GSE proprietary extended MISMO v3.0 schema.
Appendix E provides the extension schema along with the MISMO v3.0 schema files. Please visit our ULDD webpage for resources and training to support your implementation. You may also contact your Freddie Mac representative for assistance.
How do I invoke the ULDD extension schema and ensure my ULDD XML submissions are well formed? - UPDATED
To invoke the ULDD extension schema, which in turn invokes the MISMO schema, you must modify the header record in your ULDD XML data submission file to specify the ULDD extension information. The ULDD namespace has been added to uniquely identify the ULDD extended containers and data, and is necessary to distinguish the ULDD extension schema from the MISMO 3.0 schema. If the schema location is not accurately specified, your XML files may incorrectly validate, or may not validate prior to submission to Freddie Mac. Freddie Mac recommends using the Customer Test Environment (CTE) to confirm the validity of ULDD XML files.
NOTE: To correctly validate the submission file against the schema and extension, implementers will need to modify the submission file header to align with one of the sample header records below. Notice the update below to the “ULDD” namespace.
Sample 1. For applications where the MISMO 3.0 Schema, ULDD Phase 5 Extension, and XML submission files are located within the same folder:
<xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><MESSAGE xmlns="http://www.mismo.org/residential/2009/schemas" xmlns:xsi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” xmlns:ULDD="http://www.datamodelextension.org/Schema/ULDD" MISMOReferenceModelIdentifier="" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.datamodelextension.org /Schema/ULDD ULDD_Phase_5_Extension.xsd">
Sample 2. For applications where the MISMO 3.0 Schema and ULDD Phase 5 Extension files are not located within the same folder as the XML submission file, include the path for your schema location:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><MESSAGE xmlns="http://www.mismo.org/residential/2009/schemas" xmlns:xsi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” xmlns:ULDD="http://www.datamodelextension.org/Schema/ULDD" MISMOReferenceModelIdentifier=""xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.datamodelextension.org/Schema/ULDD [REPLACE WITH PATH FOR YOUR SCHEMA LOCATION]/ULDD_Phase_5_Extension.xsd"> -
How is Appendix A different from Appendix D?
Appendix A – XML Data Requirements and Appendix D – XML Data Requirements Reference Tool contain identical information; however, Appendix A is in PDF format and Appendix D is in Microsoft Excel® format.
In the ULDD data requirements, what do the following designations mean: "Required", "Conditionally Required", "Conditionally Independent", and "Optional"?
Within the ULDD Appendix A XML Data Requirements (PDF format) or Appendix D (XLSX format), the data points are divided into four categories:
- Required (R): Data points that are required for all loan delivery transactions, regardless of the GSE.
- Conditionally Required (CR): Data points that are required to be included in the loan delivery XML file when a defined business condition exists (e.g., ARM loan). The conditionally required parameters are provided in the Conditionality Details column.
- Conditionally Independent (CI): GSE-specific data points that are required for all loan delivery transactions when a defined business condition exists. These conditions are not the same for both GSEs’ delivery applications.
- Optional (O): Data points that are used by for one GSE’s delivery but are not required for the other GSE. These are listed as optional for the GSE that does not require them.
Do I need to support the exact ULDD format lengths? For example, my system does not capture 100 characters for address?
No. You do not need to support the exact format length in your systems. In the example of address length, the loan delivery XML file will allow a maximum of 100 characters. Provided the address does not exceed 100 characters, your loan delivery XML file will be in compliance with the ULDD format length for this field. For specific fields, each GSE may specify reasonable business values.
How do I deliver loans with concurrent closings?
The GSEs require delivery of “Related Loan” data when the subject loan has subordinate financing. Delivery of up to three Related Loan containers is permitted.
Does Freddie Mac verify that the third-party software partner systems support the ULDD data specifications? – UPDATED
Yes. Freddie Mac works with mortgage technology software partners to test that an interface has been developed in accordance with our data specifications. Software Partners are encouraged to request Freddie Mac review and verify their ULDD integration. Verified software partners are listed on Freddie Mac’s Technology Integration Software Partners webpage. To engage Freddie Mac’s software partner technology integration representative, email [email protected]. Freddie Mac does not endorse, or make any representations or warranties regarding, any service provider. Each lender is solely responsible for the decision of whether to engage a given provider, and on what terms, and for ensuring that the providers it engages have in place and maintain controls, processes, and procedures that satisfy the lender's business, operational, risk, legal and regulatory requirements.
How do I view previously published ULDD specifications? – NEW
Previous ULDD specifications can be viewed in the Archived Freddie Mac XML Data Requirements Reference Tool - Appendix G.
Demographic Information
Why do the GSEs request delivery of the expanded Demographic Information (DI)? What DI should I report to the GSEs?
Demographic information is used by the GSEs for fair lending analysis and other business uses. The ULDD supports the collection and delivery of the new Demographic Information, which is also consistent with the redesigned URLA, Section 8. Demographic Information and the URLA – Demographic Information Addendum.
Freddie Mac does not specify the method sellers use to collect the Demographic Information. Please refer to the Freddie Mac URLA/ULAD webpage for additional information.
Should I report the same Demographic Information to the GSEs that I report to CFPB?
Sellers should report the same Demographic Information to the GSEs that they report for regulatory purposes to CFPB. In the event CFPB requires the seller to curtail the reporting of demographic data to accommodate a maximum number of simultaneously reported instances (e.g., a maximum of five races), the GSEs are not similarly constrained and can accept all the Demographic Information provided by the borrower. Sellers are encouraged to report to the GSEs all the Demographic Information collected from the borrower
In addition, the GSEs also collect a borrower’s refusal to provide demographic information using Refusal Indicators.
The borrower has selected the checkbox on the loan application next to “I do not wish to provide this information”, but then actually provided the requested Demographic Information. What should I report to Freddie Mac at loan delivery?
Sellers should report the actual Demographic Information as reported by the borrower. Sellers should also report the Refusal Indicator = “true”, since the “I do not wish to provide this information” checkbox was selected.
The loan application form has a checkbox labeled “I do not wish to provide this information”. Is this the same as the enumeration “Information Not Provided…” which appears under the HMDA Ethnicity Type, HMDA Gender Type and HMDA Race Type fields?
No, when the borrower selects “I do not wish to provide this information” on the loan application, or otherwise refuses to provide Demographic Information, then the corresponding ULDD Refusal Indicator (Sort ID 608.2, 609.5, or 610.2) should be set to “true”. Sellers should ensure their data mapping does not automatically set the Gender, Race or Ethnicity Type to “InformationNotProvided…” when the Refusal Indicator is “true”. The Refusal Indicator is a separate data point and can co-exist with any Gender, Race, or Ethnicity Type enumeration. The Type enumeration “Information Not Provided…” is mutually exclusive with other Type enumerations.
I have a loan application where the borrower provided their Race, Ethnicity, and Gender data using the “old” format, where there was no provision for them to provide supplemental ethnicity or race data such as “Cuban” or “Samoan”. How do I report the...
Question: I have a loan application where the borrower provided their Race, Ethnicity, and Gender data using the “old” format, where there was no provision for them to provide supplemental ethnicity or race data such as “Cuban” or “Samoan”. How do I report the Race, Ethnicity, and Gender data that the borrower provided?
Answer: The borrower’s Race, Ethnicity, and Gender data must be reported using the XML extension containers, regardless of the Application Received Date.
My organization is not required to report HMDA data to CFPB; are the data requirements for loan delivery based upon my HMDA filing status?
No. Freddie Mac's loan delivery data requirements are based on our business needs. Demographic Information is used by the GSEs for fair lending analysis and other business uses. The HMDA dataset and the ULDD have different purposes and contain different data.
Can the GSEs provide me with additional guidance related to HMDA data and regulatory reporting?
No. Sellers should seek assistance from their legal counsel, regulator, or the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
Should I indicate if the borrower’s Demographic Information was collected based on visual observation or (sur)name only for loan applications taken in person?
Sellers should indicate if the borrower’s Demographic Information was collected by the financial institution based on visual observation or (sur)name regardless of the application method, including for applications not taken in person. If the financial institution collected the borrower’s Gender, Race or Ethnicity Type based on visual observation or (sur)name, report “true” in the corresponding ULDD Visual Observation Or (Sur)name Indicator (Sort ID 608.1, 609.4, or 610.1), otherwise, report “false”.
What Demographic Information is allowed or required at loan delivery?
The GSEs accept all values that are simultaneously reported. For example, for any borrower, the simultaneous reporting of all Ethnicity Origin Types: Cuban, Mexican, Other Hispanic or Latino, and Puerto Rican as well as an Ethnicity Origin Type Other Description is allowed.
The GSEs are expecting the following minimal set of Demographic Information:
- One value for HMDA Gender Type (Sort ID 608.3) for each borrower.
- One or more values for HMDA Ethnicity Type (Sort ID 609.1) for each borrower, except where the borrower has provided other ethnicity data on the Demographic Information section of the URLA and has not selected the HMDA Ethnicity Type.
- One or more values for HMDA Race Type (Sort ID 610.5) for each borrower, except where the borrower has provided other race data on the Demographic Information section of the URLA and has not selected the HMDA Race Type.
What is the purpose of using the Customer Test Environment (CTE)?
The CTE closely mirrors the Loan Selling Advisor production environment and offers an opportunity to test your ability to submit your loans (via XML import file or manual entry) and experience edits prior to delivery in the live production environment.
We strongly recommend sellers test using the CTE, and not Loan Quality Advisor or Loan Selling Advisor in production. Use your existing live environment credentials to test in our CTE. Contact your Freddie Mac representative for additional information.
Are test case scenarios available? – UPDATED
Yes. A total of five test case scenarios are available in Appendix B – Freddie Mac Test Case Scenarios on the ULDD page to assist sellers and technology solution providers with testing. These test case scenarios exercise a variety of ULDD data requirements and include a test case developed jointly with Fannie Mae.
In addition, 10 demographic information borrower test case scenarios exercising the extension container data have been developed jointly with Fannie Mae.
ULDD Phase 4a and Phase 5 delivery examples are available in Appendix B – Freddie Mac Test Case Scenarios along with corresponding sample XML files in Appendix C – Freddie Mac XML Sample File.
Are Demographic Information borrower test case scenarios available?
Yes, a total of 10 borrower test scenarios, developed jointly with Fannie Mae, are available as part of Appendix B – Freddie Mac Test Case Scenarios to assist Sellers and vendors with testing. We also provide examples of well-formed XML for each of the 10 test scenarios to guide you in the construction of your XML file submissions; refer to Appendix C – Freddie Mac XML Sample Files.