The Freddie Mac Selling System® will be rebranded to Loan Selling Advisor℠ on December 11 – fully integrating it into Freddie Mac Loan Advisor Suite®.

What’s New?

Loan Selling Advisor will offer the same functionality you’ve come to expect and rely on, but with a new user interface and design for a holistic, integrated user experience in Loan Advisor Suite. You’ll access it via single sign-on through the Loan Advisor Suite portal in the sidebar. 

Other improvements we’re making – based largely on your feedback – include:

  • Implementing a top-level navigation structure that’s easily accessible and always visible. Includes a “metro (subway) stop” navigation pane on loan screens, so you can easily move between sections without scrolling.
  • Recategorizing menu items for easier end-to-end system navigation.
  • Providing clearer, cohesive and more actionable purchase edit messages that will also be reflected in Loan Quality Advisor®. NOTE: We’ll deploy this update on Monday, November 6.
  • Updating user guidance to be more concise, clear and consistent.
  • Optimizing the screen resolution and making better use of your screen’s “real estate.”
  • Improving presentation of large tables for easier viewing and navigation.
  • Stacking closing/current/modification/conversion information on the loan screens – no more tabs to click through.
  • Upgrading the search capability on loan screens to give you better results.

This is a big step forward and we’re not done – we’ll continue to look for ways to improve functionality and your user experience.

Next Steps

Take the following steps to prepare and make sure you’re ready for Loan Selling Advisor:

  1. Sign up for training today! Please register at least 72 hours before the session you want to attend.
  2. Watch our demo and check out the new look and feel.
  3. Evaluate potential impacts to your systems and processes, including any tools used for “screen scraping” data.
  4. Check the Selling System Welcome Page after logging in on October 2 for a link to our Customer Test Environment, so you can experience the changes firsthand.

Links for signing up and for the demo can be found in the sidebar.