Enhanced Guarantor Rate Sheet Now Displays Pricing Day and Pricing Identifier

In our January 14 news article, we announced we’d be enhancing the guarantor rate sheet to make it easier to access your guarantor pricing information in Loan Selling Advisor®.

Beginning April 26, you’ll be able to view, print and export pricing identifier and pricing day information from the guarantor rate sheet:

  • Pricing identifier will now be displayed on the rate sheet results main screen and all related pop-up screens within each of the existing guarantor rate sheet sections.
  • We’re adding a new pricing day section to the rate sheet results main screen.
  • Your pricing identifier terms contract will also be updated to remove this information.

Updated Technical Specifications

Testing and Integration Availability

Starting March 11 through April 9, you’ll be able to try out the new capabilities in our test environment. If you’d like to observe the enhanced guarantor rate sheet in a testing environment, please contact your Freddie Mac representative for details. 

Freddie Mac doesn’t require clients to take any system actions to prepare for this change; however, we encourage you to review all technical specifications and resources online to make sure you’re ready. 

We’ll notify you again in April to ensure your specific pricing identifier terms contract is updated in conjunction with the launch date.