Extended URLA Implementation Timeline
2020-2022: URLA Revised Implementation Timeline

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (the GSEs) will extend the implementation timeline for the redesigned Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) and automated underwriting systems (AUSs) to support the industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. The new mandate date for the use of the redesigned URLA and AUS specifications is March 1, 2021.
The extension provides lenders and other stakeholders additional time to prepare and implement the redesigned URLA (Freddie Mac Form 65 and Fannie Mae Form 1003) and the updated automated underwriting system (AUS) data specifications (Freddie Mac Loan Product Advisor® v5.0.06 and Fannie Mae Desktop Underwriter® (DU®) DU Specification MISMO V. 3.4) based on Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO) v3.4.
August 1, 2020: Limited Production Begins
As announced in December 2019, the Limited Production Period can be thought of as a “test and learn” period. The GSEs will begin accepting the MISMO v3.4 loan application submission files in production on a limited basis. Lenders will have controlled access to the GSEs’ AUS production environments based upon validation of eligibility requirements and completion of the Partner Readiness Questionnaire. Only participants who have completed these prerequisites and received GSE approval will be allowed to submit loans using the redesigned URLA prior to its new effective date of January 1, 2021.
January 1, 2021: Open Production Begins
Starting January 1, 2021, all lenders may submit the MISMO v3.4 loan application submission files to GSE-specific AUS production environments using the redesigned URLA.
Note: Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are updating the effective date in the footer of the redesigned URLA to 1/2021.
March 1, 2021: Mandate and Pipeline Transition Period Begins
All lenders are required to submit the MISMO v3.4 loan application submission files to the GSEs’ AUS production environments using the redesigned URLA beginning March 1, 2021.
Note: Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will continue to process applications received prior to the mandate date within the AUS format on which they were initially submitted. If a legacy AUS file was submitted prior to the mandate, the submitted file may remain in the legacy format and the lender may complete the loan using the 07/05 (Rev. 06/09) URLA, even after the mandate date.
March 1, 2022: Retirement Date
On March 1, 2022, no current URLA and loan application submission files based on previous AUS specifications, regardless whether they are dated before March 1, 2021, will be accepted.
Additional Information
A complete implementation timeline and the supporting materials referenced can be accessed on the Freddie Mac URLA web page and the Fannie Mae URLA web page.
If you have questions about these updates, please contact your GSE representative or [email protected] or [email protected].