We’ve enhanced Loan Selling Advisor® features, messages and forms to give you greater efficiency and make it even easier for you to do business with Freddie Mac.

Here’s what we’ve done:

Beginning March 2, you’ll see:

  • Purchase eligibility message display enhancements
    The Evaluate Loan screen has been enhanced to clearly display:
    • In tabular format, the Critical Errors, representation and warranty relief (R&W Relief), and Warnings message tabs near the top of the screen. The easy to access tabs separate the message categories, eliminating the need for scrolling to reach the next category.
      • Note: The screen will default to the Critical Errors tab (if applicable)
    • The number of messages in each category will display on the tab, providing greater clarity. 
    • new message “Details” view will display one message at a time, which remains static at the top of the page for easy reference.
    • Messages in the list view will be hyperlinked directly to the "Details" view, for faster access and ease of resolution.
  • New enhanced efficiency features - the Evaluate Loan, Modify Loan, Modify Best Effort Loan and View Loan screens have been enhanced to provide a cleaner appearance and easier navigation, including:

    • Redesigned Loan Details view with the most relevant data elements near the top.
    • New Loan Data Flyout on the left side of the screen that remains visible and displays additional loan data elements when clicked.
    • Restyled back hyperlink icon to the left of the page title.
    • Relocated Loan Carousel to the top of the screen, for enhanced ease of navigation.
  • Form 1034E – For Sellers that deliver Pledged Mortgages to Freddie Mac, the Custodial Certification Schedule has been updated to include the addition of the Warehouse Lender ID and name, for ease of identification.

For More Information