
As a real estate professional, you've hosted many open houses – and probably had your share of interested Millennials stop in, take a tour and fall in love. Then they leave discouraged – thinking they couldn't possibly pursue an offer because they're self-employed and don't have a 20 percent down payment.

As an informed agent, you know that for qualified buyers, neither of these perceived "issues" is a barrier. You simply provide contact names and numbers of lenders in your network that offer Home Possible® low down payment conventional mortgages and encourage them to follow up and get pre-qualified. Then you let them know that Home Possible 's down payment requirement is only 3 to 5 percent – not 20 percent – and that being self-employed is not an issue.

Turn your knowledge of Home Possible into more sales. And in the case of this open house and the interested Millennials, what was the result?

  • You gained new clients who now have a more positive homebuying outlook.
  • Your listing has an interested buyer.
  • You're closer to selling another home and banking the commission.
  • And you'll probably get more referrals from your clients' Millennial-age friends because you helped them clear the path to homeownership.

A Millennial Homebuying Success Story

Watch and share this video of Christine and Willy Dolan – new, real-life Millennial homeowners who purchased their first home at the age of 23 and 24 from a mortgage lender that offered Home Possible.

Help more Millennials and other clients with minimal down payment funds realize their homeownership dream with Home Possible. Because it's what you've learned that may help you sell more homes.