New Loan Selling Advisor® Purchase Statement Data Export Capability

Freddie Mac is committed to providing you with technology solutions that can help your business grow. We previously communicated that effective December 10, 2018 you’ll see the addition of several existing data elements that are being added to the standard Summary Data MISMO 3.0 export dataset. This addition will allow you to create your own customized exports with data that is currently available in Loan Selling Advisor® only on the Loan Purchase Statement for your Cash or Guarantor loans.

While this change is an improvement to the current process, we understand you may need additional time to assess the impacts and make the necessary system updates, therefore we’re deferring the release of the new data elements until Monday, January 28, 2019.

If you’re impacted and plan to customize any of your current exports when the data becomes available on January 28 please refer to the resources below.

Thank you for your business.

For More Information