The latest Loan Coverage Advisor® release delivers updates to the Loan Advisor R&W Relief Offerings section of the Loan Risk Details page that improve the overall user experience. These updates include:

  • Restructured Loan Advisor R&W Relief Offerings Section – displays representation and warranty results for the 3 Cs (Capacity, Collateral and Credit), with Asset and Income sub-types under the Capacity header.
  • New R&W Relief Offerings Details Flyout – a new icon provides details related to rep and warranty relief.
  • Guide Section Detail Reference Message – alerts users to refer to Online Help for pertinent Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (Guide) sections related to the offerings displayed.
  • Loan Risk Detail Export Update – PDF export now includes newly structured 3 Cs rep and warranty relief details.

NOTE: Some of these updates provide place holders until future releases when the offerings are available. Please refer to the release notes for more information.