To address customer concerns about meeting the requirement to embed the Closing Disclosure (PDF) in the UCD XML file for the September 25, 2017 UCD mandate, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (the GSEs) are providing a six-month relief from embedding the Closing Disclosure PDF within the UCD XML file. The requirement to embed the Closing Disclosure PDF in the UCD XML file will be fully enforced no earlier than April 2018.

The UCD must still be submitted for all loans delivered to the GSEs with a Note Date on or after September 25, 2017. The GSEs will require the Borrower data and Closing Disclosure within the UCD XML file (i.e., either the Model form, or if using a Split Disclosure, the Borrower-only form).

Each GSE's UCD collection system provides feedback messaging regarding whether an embedded Closing Disclosure PDF is provided. Lenders are encouraged to submit the UCD XML file with the embedded PDF if they have the capability to do so.

NOTE: To support our customers, Freddie Mac maintains a list of verified technology solution providers on (link in sidebar) that can assist with the development of the UCD XML file, which includes embedding the Closing Disclosure PDF.

We continue to add verified technology solution providers to the list on an ongoing basis, so check our web page frequently. If you do not see your vendor listed, contact your vendor and encourage them to initiate the process with our technology integration team.

Data Point & Container Submissions

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae have implemented independent collection solutions to support UCD file deliveries. However, the GSEs have aligned on a minimum set of UCD data points that will be required in order to facilitate your successful submissions on and after September 25, 2017. These are noted below:

GSE Data Points

  • DocumentType
  • DocumentTypeOtherDescription
  • LoanPurposeType
  • MIMETypeIdentifier
  • ObjectEncodingType

Joint GSE Container

  • DOCUMENT (at least one Borrower document)

In addition to the joint requirements above, Freddie Mac has specific data points that are required for delivery via Loan Closing Advisor.

Freddie Mac-Specific Data Points

  • LoanIdentifier (Lender Loan ID)
  • LoanIdentifier Type
  • ContainerDeal – Cardinality of 1
  • ContainerDealSet – Cardinality of 1
  • ContainerLoan – Cardinality of 1
  • Date Format Requirement: YYYY-MM-DD

The list of required data points will evolve over time. For the full list of UCD data requirements, visit the Freddie Mac's UCD page link in the sidebar.

Additional Information

Freddie Mac is committed to supporting industry implementation of the UCD. Should you require assistance, please contact your account representative or submit your questions to our UCD mailbox: [email protected].