We value the feedback we receive from our Sellers. Based on recent feedback you’ve shared regarding revisions to our income requirements announced in Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (Guide) Bulletin 2019-20, we’re extending their effective date.

The revised requirements will now be effective for mortgages with Freddie Mac settlement dates on and after July 2, 2020. Guide Bulletin 2019-20 noted these changes would be effective for mortgages with Freddie Mac settlement dates on and after April 2, 2020.

We will update the impacted sections of the Guide with the new effective date in the February Selling Guide Bulletin.  

The extension will provide us the opportunity to further review your feedback. If we make any changes to the requirements published in Bulletin 2019-20, we will announce them in one of our upcoming Bulletins and provide you with enough time to implement the applicable revisions.