The August 26, 2022, ECO®: Evaluate | Compare | Optimize® release includes self-serve access to your Affordable Scorecard and Freddie Mac Loan Advisor® dashboard enhancements.

Affordable Scorecard

Providing self-serve access to the Affordable Scorecard offers you monthly insight into your organization’s affordable housing contributions. You can quickly view results in aggregate, by segment, and individually. The Affordable Glossary has been updated to include the affordable definitions.

Partial Income Representation & Warranty (R&W) Relief

We’ve added a new category to the Income Performance dashboard called “Eligible for Partial Income R&W Relief.” This is offered when multiple income sources are submitted through Loan Product Advisor® (LPASM) and one or more of the income sources receive rep and warranty relief, but additional income sources are required.

ACE+ PDR Category Additions

We’ve added a new category for ACE+ PDR (automated collateral evaluation plus property data report) to the ACE Performance Report dashboard and ACE Performance Map. This allows you to see applications that were offered ACE+ PDR.

Log into ECO to navigate to the new Affordable Dashboard and Loan Advisor dashboards and try them out – or read the release notes for more information.