The information on this page is not part of, and is not a replacement or substitute for, the requirements found in the Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide and your other Purchase Documents.
Please review these answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) and its use by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (the GSEs) with our automated underwriting systems (AUSs) – Freddie Mac Loan Product Advisor® (LPASM) and Fannie Mae Desktop Underwriter® (DU®). The questions are organized into the following categories:
- URLA: Questions about Freddie Mac Form 65/Fannie Mae Form 1003
- Data Requirements: Questions about the Uniform Loan Application Dataset (ULAD), data collected by the GSEs’ AUSs
- SCIF: Questions about the Supplemental Consumer Information Form (SCIF)
- iLAD: Questions about the MISMO® Industry Loan Application Dataset (iLAD)
- Historical: Background information about the URLA/ULAD project that remains accurate
New questions that were added since the last update are labeled NEW, while updated questions are labeled UPDATED, and RELOCATED questions are questions that have been moved to a different section of the FAQs without any other update. Visit the Freddie Mac URLA/ULAD webpage for additional information and supporting documents. For information related to technology and integration, visit the Freddie Mac URLA Technical Resources webpage.
- What is the Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA)?
- Does the redesigned URLA change the application process?
- [NEW] Do the GSEs require a Loan Originator signature in “Section 9: Loan Originator Information” of the URLA?
- [RELOCATED] What is the page length of the redesigned URLA?
- How should the interactive URLA files be retrieved from the GSEs’ webpages and used?
- What documents are available to assist with using the URLA?
Data Requirements
- What are the automated underwriting system specifications (AUS specs)?
- Do the GSEs publish the list of software providers that have been approved to support the URLA and updated AUS specs?
- What is the difference between the ULAD Mapping Document and each GSE’s AUS spec?
- What schemas should I use for my AUS file validations?
- [UPDATED] How does the implementation of the URLA and AUS data submission requirements affect data delivery requirements for the Uniform Closing Dataset (UCD) and the Uniform Loan Delivery Dataset (ULDD)?
- [UPDATED] What is the Supplemental Consumer Information Form (SCIF)?
- [NEW] Must the lender present the SCIF to each borrower on the loan application?
- [NEW] Is the SCIF required to be in the loan file?
- [NEW] At what point does the lender present the SCIF to the borrower(s)?
- [UPDATED] What if the borrower does not wish to complete the SCIF and the loan has neither homeownership education nor housing counseling requirements?
- [NEW] When should the Homeownership Education and Housing Counseling section be completed on the SCIF?
- [NEW] Is homeownership education or housing counseling information from the SCIF required in the GSEs’ AUS loan application submission files?
- [NEW] Is completion of the Language Preference section required?
- [NEW] Is the borrower’s language preference response required in the GSEs’ AUS loan application submission files?
- [UPDATED] What resources are available to help borrowers and lenders complete the SCIF?
- [UPDATED] What is happening with the Fannie Mae 1003 Flat File used as the de facto industry standard for data exchange between industry partners for loan application data?
- [UPDATED] How is MISMO’s iLAD different from the ULAD Mapping Document and GSE AUS specifications?
- Now that the March 1, 2022 retirement date has been reached, is the project officially over?
- Why was the URLA redesigned?
- Who participated in the URLA redesign?
- Why are the GSEs still supporting the URLA in its paper form?
- [RELOCATED] Will a lender be required to repurchase a loan if the AUS data format submitted and the URLA form do not match?
- [RELOCATED] Is there a “purchase by” date for seasoned loans that are in the legacy AUS formats (for Fannie Mae MISMO v2.3.1 or 1003 Flat File and for Freddie Mac v2.4) to be eligible for sale to the GSEs?
- Why are the updated AUS datasets based on MISMO Version 3.4 instead of the MISMO Version 3.3 used by the Uniform Closing Dataset (UCD)?
- Why were the preferred language and housing counseling questions removed from the redesigned URLA?