Quality Control Overview
Effective QC programs are essential to your success in the mortgage industry. Quality begins before a loan application is taken and continues throughout the entire mortgage origination process.
In this session of Policy on Point, “Performing Loan Repurchase Alternative Pilot,” Freddie Mac QC experts provide a concise overview on how to opt in and how the pilot can benefit your business. Hear from experts directly involved in the expansion as they discuss the process, key details of the pilot and potential advantages.
Post Funding QC Checklists
QC Review Documentation Checklist
Documents required to be submitted when a loan is selected for quality control review.
Anti-Predatory Lending Documentation Checklist
Documents required to be submitted when a loan is selected for quality control target compliance review.
Anti-Predatory Lending and PL/NPL Checklist
Documents required to be submitted when a loan is selected for both a quality control Review and a quality control target compliance review.
Tools to Help You Through the QC Reviews
Helps you manage the complete end-to-end quality control and remedy process.
You may also use this system to upload and submit imaged loan files for quality control review. Refer to our user guide on how to navigate the DMS.
All post-funding quality control mortgage file documentation must be delivered electronically using these specifications.