Close out the year strong and start setting yourself up for success in 2025. Find every loan opportunity you can with the December Loan Product Advisor® (LPASM) release and help borrowers down the path of homeownership. We’re implementing feedback message updates, calculation updates for government loans and more.

December LPA Release

The December Release Notes include:

  • Updates for direct entry users, retiring the Look-up HVE Value tool and replacing “AUS Transaction #” with “Transaction ID.”
  • New feedback messages to provide early insight for potential pricing benefits at loan delivery through a preliminary mission indication score based on income, borrower and property criteria.
  • Calculation update for Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans, based on your feedback.
  • Various feedback message updates to align the language with the Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide.
  • Bi-annual updates to credit reporting companies (CRCs) and technical affiliates (TAs).

For full details, review the December LPA Release Notes and check out the full list of December feedback message updates.

URLA and SCIF Instructions Updates

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (the GSEs) have updated the Uniform Residential Loan Application (URLA) Instructions and the Supplemental Consumer Information Form (SCIF) Instructions to provide additional clarity on the forms. New FAQs have also been published. Learn more in the article.

Reminder: CHOICERenovation® Enhancements

To make the delivery of CHOICERenovation loans more consistent across the origination and delivery datasets, we’re adding new loan program identifiers in LPA to align with those used in Loan Selling Advisor® at delivery.

We’re also making several policy updates around CHOICERenovation loans and will make corresponding feedback message updates. Learn more in the November Release Notes.