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Run with Opportunity

Don't miss a homeownership opportunity. Top ways to clear Cautions in Loan Product Advisor® (LPASM). 

Getting a Caution risk class in Loan Product Advisor is not rejection. It’s a redirection to uncover missed opportunities that are more tailored for your borrower. Check back frequently for updated tips and resources.

No Credit Score? No Problem

To help expand access to credit for more qualified borrowers, we’ve enhanced LPA to no longer require a credit score for LPA to consider the borrower’s cash flow in the credit risk assessment. LPA can automatically assess your submission for positive cash flow with just the asset verification report and potentially turn a Caution to an Accept. 

Boost Access to Credit with Rent Payment History

You get a feedback message associated with a Caution based on LPA’s credit risk assessment using traditional credit reporting for your first-time homebuyer. Check if the borrower’s rent payment history qualifies to be used in the risk assessment.

Watch Tutorial  in a webinar

Locate the Message Code

Look in the credit section for message FCL0421, which indicates if the loan may benefit from a positive rent payment history. 

Guidance for Next Steps

Order an asset verification report and submit the loan to LPA – be sure to include the reference number with your submission.

How This Helps Get to Accept

Leveraging the rent payment history can only positively impact the risk assessment.

Keep Your Eyes On AMI

Don’t let the numbers hold you up. The feedback certificate automatically shows you the area median income (AMI) and the borrower’s total qualifying income as a percentage of AMI to help identify more affordable loan opportunities.

Learn more  in a webinar

Locate the Message Code

Use the feedback certificate’s Affordable Product Information section or identify message FAL0011 to get the AMI and the borrower’s total qualifying income as a percentage of AMI (AMI%). 

Guidance for Next Steps

Use the AMI% to see if the loan is eligible for an affordable program and resubmit. 

How This Helps Get to Accept

Qualifying for an affordable program provides more affordable opportunities for the loan, increasing the likelihood of acceptance. 

Factor in Caution Details

Got a Caution? Not a problem. LPA’s Caution messages provide opportunity.  Address these messages first and use the messages’ primary factor flagging, now with additional details and supplementary loan data to quickly identify reasons for the Caution risk class.  

Message Updates  for Factor in Caution Details

Locate the Message Code

Look in the Credit and Liabilities Messages section of the feedback certificate. Caution message codes begin with “FCL” and the text begins with “Caution Factor” to indicate the Caution reason.

Guidance for Next Steps

Use the information in primary factor (reason) flagging, additional details and any supplementary loan data in the messages to edit the loan submission.

How This Helps Get to Accept

By understanding the reasons for the Caution, you may not need to abandon the loan or restructure it. This information can help you quickly work to remediate potential blockers for an Accept.

  • Match Your Clients to an Affordable 3% Down Payment Solution

    In today’s market, homebuyers are shopping for a lender that can provide them with low down payment offerings. The Freddie Mac Home Possible® mortgage offers unique flexibility and a low, 3% down payment option.

    Locate the Message Code - Identify message FAL0037 which indicates the loan meets Home Possible income limits.

    Guidance for Next Steps - Resubmit the loan with the Home Possible loan program identifier in LPA or your loan origination system.

    How this Helps Get to Accept - Utilizing Home Possible’s credit fee cap and MI coverage levels can lower your client’s DTI, increasing the likelihood of acceptance.

  • Go with the Borrower Cash Flow

    You get a feedback message associated with a Caution based on LPA’s credit risk assessment using traditional credit reporting. Check if the borrower’s cash flow qualifies to be used in the risk assessment.

    Locate the Message Code - Look in the credit section for message FCL0421, which indicates if the loan may benefit from a positive cash flow.

    Guidance for Next Steps - Order an asset verification report and submit the loan to LPA – be sure to include the reference number with your submission.

    How this Helps Get to Accept - Leveraging the cash flow assessment can only positively impact the risk assessment.

  • Tip the Scales to Lower DTI

    You get a feedback message (PUR0020) associated with a Caution that indicates the debt-to-income (DTI) ratio is too high. Check if reserves could help lead the way home.

    Locate the Message Code - Look for message FAR0083 on additional reserves.

    Guidance for Next Steps - Enter all asset accounts for the borrower. Include retirement accounts (IRA, 401k).

    How this Helps Get to Accept - Reserves may not be required on every loan, but they could help strengthen loan quality.

  • Expand Credit Opportunities with ECO® Data and Insights

    Uncover more opportunities for an Accept and expand credit for your borrower. Use the Expanding Credit Opportunities dashboard in ECO to help identify your LPA submissions that could benefit from the borrower’s positive cash flow or rent payment history.

Additional Resources