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Uniform Closing Dataset FAQ


This information is not a replacement or substitute for the requirements in the Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide and other Purchase Documents.

Updated September 24, 2024

Freddie Mac UCD FAQs

The GSES have compiled some of the most common Uniform Closing Dataset (UCD) questions below. Questions are grouped by topic: General, Loan Delivery, Embedded Closing Disclosure PDF in the UCD XML File, UCD Critical Edits, Fees, UCD File Content, Post Loan Delivery, Qualified Mortgages, and XML File Technical Considerations.


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  1. What is the Uniform Closing Dataset (UCD)? [UPDATED]

    The UCD is a common industry dataset allowing information on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB’s) Closing Disclosure (CD) to be communicated electronically. The UCD was developed and is maintained by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (GSEs) and is published on each GSE’s UCD webpages as UCD v1.5 and UCD v2.0 specifications.

    The GSEs are collecting UCD data because it:
    • Helps enhance credit risk management with more data and better-quality data.
    • Provides important information to help increase our ability to detect fraud and misrepresentation at loan delivery.
    • Lends additional transparency into the mortgage loan transaction file to help assess whether the loan, as closed, meets the GSE’s eligibility requirements.
  2. Is the UCD Delivery Specification the same for both GSEs?

    Yes. Although the GSEs have implemented separate UCD collection solutions, both GSEs adhere to the guiding principles established under the Uniform Mortgage Data Program® (UMDP®) and are using the identical UCD Delivery Specification containing the same data points, enumerations, and conditionalities.

  3. What data are the GSEs collecting using the UCD? [UPDATED]

    The data represented by the UCD includes, in MISMO v3.3.0299 schema order:

    • Data points supporting the CD form field data required by both GSEs. (Note that while UCD v1.5 Spec contains all data points supporting the entire CD, UCD v2.0 Specification (UCD v2.0) contains only those data actively used and required by the GSEs.)
    • Additional closing transaction supporting data points required to meet GSE business needs, for example, Qualified Mortgage (QM) data.
    • Data points needed to properly create the UCD XML file.
    • Data points enabling a PDF version of the CD to be embedded in the UCD XML file.
  4. How do the GSEs collect the UCD?

    The GSEs have separate collection solutions for UCD XML file submissions by loan sellers. Support and training resources related to each unique collection solution are available on each GSE’s respective UCD web pages on and Resources to assist with the transition to UCD v2.0 are also available.

  5. What resources are available to help me implement the UCD or update the UCD based on new requirements?

    The GSEs have published a number of jointly developed and maintained implementation materials and artifacts on their respective and websites to assist you with your UCD implementation. It is a good practice to visit these websites frequently to ensure you are using the most up-to-date specifications and resources.

Loan Delivery

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  1. How does the UCD relate to loan delivery requirements? [UPDATED]

    The UCD in the XML file format with the CD PDF embedded must be successfully submitted prior to loan delivery. Every loan purchased by the GSEs requires a UCD submission.

    Loans submitted to a GSE’s Selling/Loan Delivery solutions without a corresponding UCD XML file will receive a critical/fatal edit and will not be eligible for purchase until the properly formed UCD XML file including the embedded CD PDF has been received.

  2. Which version of the UCD Spec should I be using for production deliveries? [NEW]

    The GSEs have published the UCD v2.0 to provide a glide path for industry to adopt the new format and requirements within their systems and processes. Until the UCD v2.0 transition period begins in the 3rd Quarter of 2025, sellers must continue to deliver only UCD v1.5. Once the transition period begins, each GSE’s UCD collection solution will accept UCD XML files based on UCD v2.0 or v1.5. The GSEs will continue to accept UCD XML files based on UCD v1.5 until the end of the transition period (the mandate date) sometime in the 2nd half of 2026.

  3. Can my UCD XML files include any “extra” data that is not included in the UCD Specs? [UPDATED]

    Yes, however the GSEs strongly advise against delivering non-specified data in the UCD XML files. If additional data is included in the UCD XML file but the file is properly formed according to MISMO v3.3, the file will not fail. The GSEs will ignore any data in the UCD XML file not expected include in the UCD v2.0.

    IMPORTANT: Submitted UCD XML files based on v1.5 may NOT include any new UCD v2.0 data points or enumerations (including the FEE_DETAIL_EXTENSION structure), or the file will receive a critical/fatal edit.

  4. What is the relationship between data on the UCD and the information on the CD? [UPDATED]

    Data provided in the UCD XML file must support disclosures on the CD PDF as closely as possible. The GSEs understand there may not be a 100 percent match because the CD is often rendered with the values provided in the DisplayLabelText attribute, while the UCD XML file must include the valid associated enumeration. (See FAQ in XML File Technical Considerations section.)

  5. Do the GSEs provide testing environments for their UCD collection solutions? [UPDATED]

    Yes, each GSE has established a customer test environment (CTE) that can be accessed by loan sellers and software providers/Technology Service Providers (TSPs). Additional details can be found on each GSE’s UCD web pages on and

Embedding the Closing Disclosure PDF in the UCD XML File

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  1. What are the requirements for embedding the CD PDF in the UCD XML file? [UPDATED]
    • Timing/Version: The CD PDF should represent the most accurate agreed-upon terms of the loan at time of loan delivery to the GSEs. If, after closing but before delivery of loans to the GSEs, information on the CD was updated and a revised CD was provided to the borrower, the updated UCD data and updated CD must be provided in the XML.
    • CD Copy: The PDF does not need to be a first-generation file; however, the CD must be clear and legible.
    • Multiple Borrowers: For transactions with multiple borrowers where the lender has issued a separate CD to each borrower, the lender should embed only the copy of the CD in the XML file.
    • Simultaneous Seconds: For transactions with loans having a simultaneous second (such as an 80/10/10 transaction), the lender should embed only the copy of CD for the loan being purchased (the subject loan.) .
    • Construction Loans (for Fannie Mae Construction-to-Permanent and Freddie Mac Construction-Conversion):[UPDATED] The GSEs purchase construction loans only during the permanent financing phase of the transaction. 

      For a single-close loan (without an executed modification) or a two-close loan, the latest CD disclosing the terms of the permanent financing must be included in the UCD XML file.   

      Single-closing construction-to-permanent and construction-conversion loans must meet QM requirements. An updated UCD XML file may be required if a modification impacts data used to determine whether the loan is a qualified mortgage. 

      If a modification has been completed, an updated CD may not be required by regulation and the original CD may satisfy the requirement. As with any other transaction, the CD PDF embedded in the UCD XML file should represent the most accurate agreed-upon terms of the loan at time of loan delivery.
    • CD Revised Prior to Delivery: If the loan has closed, but has not been delivered to a GSE, and a revised CD was provided to the borrower, the most recent version of the CD must be included in the updated UCD XML file submission.
    • Split Disclosures: When Split Disclosures are used, the Seller Disclosure CD is not required in the UCD XML file.
    • Addenda: UPDATED Addendum PDFs associated with the CD do not need to be included in the UCD XML file. However, when an addendum is used to extend a CD section, all data on the addendum must be included in the UCD XML file, with an IntegratedDisclosureSectionType value reflecting the section being extended.
    • Signatures: The CD PDF included in the UCD XML file does not to be signed; however, the loan seller may wish to follow industry best practices and obtain interested party signatures in accordance with CFPB’s TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) Rule signature requirements.
  2. What is the Alternate Form for Transactions without a Seller? [UPDATED]

    The Alternate Form (Model form H-25(J)) provides a safe harbor model Closing Disclosure that can be provided for transactions that do not involve sellers, including refinance transactions. The form is abbreviated to omit data that only applies to purchase transactions. If the Alternate Form is provided to the borrower, the corresponding CD PDF must be embedded in the UCD XML file.

  3. Do the GSEs require use of the Alternate Form for Refinances Transactions? [UPDATED]

    No, although the GSEs prefer that loan sellers take advantage of the shorter Alternate Form for refinance transactions, we also accept the longer Model Form. The identical data points are required in support of refinances in the UCD XML file, regardless of the CD format used.

UCD Critical Edits

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  1. What is the UCD Critical Edits transition? [UPDATED]

    The GSEs are converting certain data edits in their CD collection solutions from “warning” to “critical/fatal.” The multi-year rollout approach, now in its fourth phase, enforces the UCD Spec conditionality details for selected data points. The enforcement of critical/fatal edits is designed to enhance data quality and consistency for the single-family loans purchased by the GSEs.

  2. How do we prepare for the latest UCD Critical Edits? [UPDATED]

    The GSEs recommend preparing for the UCD Critical Edits by referring to the following resources available on the GSEs’ UCD web pages on and

    • UCD Critical Edits Matrix − contains the edits and associated datapoints for all phases.
    • Joint GSE UCD Phase 3 Critical Edits Feedback Message Mapping Document
    • Joint GSE UCD Job Aids
    • Customer test environments − each GSE has provided opportunities for loan sellers and software partners/TSPs to test their UCD XML files and resolve potential critical issues prior to the phased releases.
    • Critical edits feedback message codes and text − each GSE publishes a list of feedback messages for each phase of the UCD Critical Edits for their respective UCD collection solutions.
    • Closing Disclosure with Reference Numbers (formerly Appendix C)
    • UCD Sample CDs (formerly Appendix F)
    • UCD Sample XML Files (formerly Appendix G)
  3. When will the implementation timing for the Phase 3B Postponed and Phases 4 critical edits be announced? [UPDATED]

    The March 28, 2024, UCD v2.0 Specification Initiative announcement includes a timeline identifying the implementation periods for Phase 3B Postponed and Phase 4 critical edits. The announcement can be accessed on the GSEs’ UCD web pages on and The timeline includes the dates the edits will be operational in the GSEs’ CTE and production environments as well as the mandates.

  4. What value is expected in GSE Specific Data Point Loan Price Quote Interest Rate Percent? [NEW]

    The MISMO v3.3.0 Logical Data Dictionary definition for this data point (which is incorporated into the UCD v1.5 and UCD v2.0 ) is, “The mortgage loan interest rate for which the price quote is calculated.” To ensure the correct rate is delivered in this data point, the GSEs included an Implementation Note in the UCD v2.0 explaining that the expected value is the interest rate offered to the borrower prior to their electing to purchase discount points. Please note that the interest rate the borrower qualified for does not have to start with zero points. This data point is required whenever the value for FeeType (v1.5) / ucd:FeeItemType (v2.0) = “LoanDiscountPoints” is greater than zero.


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  1. How should recording fees and amounts be included in Fee Type (v1.5) / ucd:FeeItemType (v2.0) = “Recording Fee Total”? [UPDATED]

    The value provided for FeeType / ucd:FeeItemType = “RecordingFeeTotal” should be the sum of the amounts of all recording fees paid or to be paid to any government authority, regardless of the entity collecting the payments. This sum must also include the amounts for FeeType (v1.5) / ucd:FeeItemType (v2.0) = “RecordingFeeForMortgage” and “RecordingFeeForDeed.” Refer to the GSE Joint GSE UCD Phase 3 Critical Edits Job Aid: Taxes and Other Government Fees on the GSEs’ UCD web pages and for more information.

  2. Do we need to include Loan Discount Points, Prepaid Interest, or Lender Credits in the UCD XML file when they are not part of the loan transaction? [UPDATED]
    • Yes. FeeType (v1.5) / ucd:FeeItemType (v2.0) = “LoanDiscountPoints” is required for all loans, even when discount points are not part of the transaction. Fee Actual Payment Amount is required for loan discount points and must be provided in the UCD XML file even when that value is “0.00”. Fee Total Percent is not required in the file if the Fee Actual Payment Amount is “0.00”.
    • Prepaid Item Type = “PrepaidInterest” is required for all loans, even when prepaid interest is not part of the transaction. Prepaid Item Actual Payment Amount must be provided in the UCD XML file even when that value is “0.00”.
    • Integrated Disclosure Subsection Type = “LenderCredits” is required for all loans, even when lender credits are not part of the transaction. Integrated Disclosure Subsection Payment Amount is required with Lender Credits and must be provided in the UCD XML file even when that value is “0.00”.
  3. What do I provide in the UCD XML file when a fee cannot reasonably be mapped to an existing FeeType (UCD v1.5) or ucd:FeeItemType (UCD v2.0) enumeration? [UPDATED]

    You may provide FeeType / ucd:FeeItemType = “Other” and FeeTypeOtherDescription / ucd:FeeItemTypeOtherDescription only when an enumeration that reasonably reflects the fee is not supported by the UCD Spec version. If a reasonable, valid enumeration exists in the UCD for the item being represented on the CD, it must be provided in the UCD XML file.

UCD XML File Content

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  1. How can I reflect gifts and grants for a refinance in the UCD file on the Alternate Form? [UPDATED]

    When a refinance transaction including a gift or grant is disclosed on the Alternate Form, provide the following data points in the UCD file:

    • UID 16.017 Closing Adjustment Item Type = “Gift” or “Grant”
    • UID 16.016 Closing Adjustment Item Amount
    • UID 16.020 Integrated Disclosure Section Type = “PayoffsAndPayments”, and
    • UID 16.023 Full Name with the full name of the party providing the gift or grant.
  2. I have run my loan through both Desktop Underwriter® (DU®) and Loan Product Advisor® and received an Automated Underwriting Case Identifier from both systems. Can I include the Automated Underwriting Case ...?

    I have run my loan through both Desktop Underwriter® (DU®) and Loan Product Advisor® and received an Automated Underwriting Case Identifier from both systems. Can I include the Automated Underwriting Case Identifier and Automated Underwriting Case System Type for both DU and Loan Product Advisor in the same UCD XML file?

    Yes. You may include two instances of Automated Underwriting Case Identifier and Automated Underwriting System Type in the UCD XML file:

    One with Automated Underwriting System Type = “DesktopUnderwriter” and second instance with Automated Underwriting System Type = “Other” / Automated Underwriting System Type OtherDescription = “LoanProductAdvisor”.

  3. How do I determine the value that should be delivered UID 4.039 Average Prime Offer Rate Percent (APOR)?

    Refer to for information on how to calculate the APOR.

  4. How do I identify in the UCD file fees related to a loan with a temporary buydown?

    If the loan has a temporary buydown feature, include the following data points in the UCD XML file:

    • Buydown Temporary Subsidy Funding Indicator = “true”
    • Fee Type = “TemporaryBuydownPoints” (the total dollar amount of the buydown fund)>
    • Fee Type = “TemporaryBuydownAdministrationFee” (the total cost to the borrower for the service of establishing the buydown fund, when charged)
  5. What value is expected in UID 3.038 Current Rate Set Date?

    As defined in the MISMO v3.3.0 Logical Data Dictionary and reflected in the UCD Specs, Current Rate Set Date is, “The date on which the interest rate for the loan was set by the lender for the final time before closing”.

  6. How do I indicate that that the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) was used as the index for an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM) Transaction?

    The value “Other” should be provided in UID 11.055 Index Type and the value “SOFR” should be provided in UID 11.100 Index Type Other Description.

    Note: If your business process requires delivery of ‘30DayAverageSOFR’, this value can be delivered in the UCD instead of ‘SOFR’ and will not impact the status of your UCD submission or the eligibility of the loan.

  7. For construction loans, what enumeration should be provided for Loan Purpose Type? [UPDATED]

    For properties where the borrower does not own the land prior to closing of interim construction financing, the loan is classified as a purchase transaction and LoanPurposeType = “Purchase”. If the borrower already owns the land, the loan is classified as a refinance transaction with LoanPurposeType = “Refinance”.

  8. How is the subject property address provided when it does not have a street address (for example, for construction loans)?

    Provide UID 1.012 Unparsed Legal Description along with UID 1.011 Postal Code.

  9. How can I reflect a simultaneous second loan in the UCD XML file?

    If the subject loan includes subordinate financing closing simultaneously, UCD Unique ID 16.015 gse:Subordinate Financing Is New Indicator = “true”.  For more information regarding how to handle simultaneous second loans on the Alternate Form, refer to the CFPB’s October 1, 2014, recorded webinar entitled, “FAQs on the TILARESPA Integrated Disclosures Rule, Part 3 – Completing the Loan Estimate” and the “Index of TRID Questions Addressed During Webinars.” These can be found on the Federal Reserve System’s Consumer Compliance Outlook website

Post Loan Delivery

  1. What happens if my loan is selected for post-purchase review, and I have not submitted the most recent CD to the GSE collection solution?

    The GSEs require that the submitted borrower closing disclosure and UCD XML file represent the most accurate agreed upon terms of the loan at the time of loan delivery to the GSEs.

    If the lender determines that there is a need to reissue a closing disclosure to the borrower after loan delivery, the lender should resubmit the UCD XML file (with the associated, embedded closing disclosure PDF) updated with the latest information disclosed to the borrower.

  2. How should the UCD XML file reflect construction and construction conversion/construction-to-permanent inspection and handling fees that will be paid post-consummation on a separate addendum? [NEW]

    Any fees paid after closing, which were not disclosed to the borrower on the CD at closing, do not need to be included in the UCD XML file. If the CD is modified after closing and an updated CD is provided to the borrower, then an updated UCD XML file must be submitted and include the updated CD.

Qualified Mortgages

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  1. The UCD contains several Ability-to-Repay (ATR) data points. Do these data points need to be included in the UCD XML file? [UPDATED]

    Yes. Even though this data is not collected on the CD, the GSEs require it to be submitted in the UCD XML file.

  2. If a loan is considered to be exempt from Regulation Z’s ATR requirements, how should this be reflected in the UCD file?

    The following data points and values should be included in the UCD file if the loan is classified as exempt:

  3. When should the data point gse:Qualified Mortgage Short Reset ARM_APR Percent be included in the UCD file? [UPDATED]

    Gse:QualifiedMortgageShortResetARM_APRPercent is required for all ARMs with an adjustment within five years of the note date.

XML File Technical Considerations

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  1. Do the GSEs validate that the submitted UCD XML file formation is correct? [UPDATED]

    Yes. Upon receipt, each GSE validates the UCD XML file structure and syntax against the MISMO v3.3.0299 Reference Model schema upon submission. For UCD XML files based on the UCD v2.0 , the GSEs will also validate against the ucd schema (ucd.xsd).

  2. How should I handle negative values in the UCD XML file? For example, should the Aggregate Adjustment value in the Closing Costs Details section of the Closing Disclosure be submitted as a negative value in the XML file? [UPDATED]

    In general, any value that is reflected as a negative value on the CD, for example, an aggregate adjustment, should be provided as a negative value in the UCD XML file. Refer to the Potential Sign Conflict table in the UCD Implementation Guide for additional examples.

  3. What is the DisplayLabelText attribute? [UPDATED]

    The DisplayLabelText attribute is used by document preparation providers to render a non-enumerated value on the CD for fee, prepaid, escrow, liability and closing adjustment items in a more readable format. This allows loan sellers to continue to use proprietary terminology when disclosing costs. For example, a DisplayLabelText value of “Attorney Doc Prep Fee” appears on the CD, but the corresponding supported enumerated value of “DocumentPreparationFee” would be provided for FeeType (v1.5) / ucd:FeeItemType (v2.0) in the UCD XML file. A sample XML snippet based on UCD v1.5 is provided below:

    Sample XML Snippet:

    XML Snippet

    Sample Form Snippet:

    Form Snippet