An Authorized Representative of a Homeowners Association must use this form if they are seeking information as to whether their Condominium Project has been assigned a Not Eligible status or to initiate an appeal of an existing Not Eligible status. Freddie Mac Seller/Servicers may also use this form to request more information about a project’s Not Eligible status, initiate an appeal of a Not Eligible status, or notify Freddie Mac if they have information that could impact a project’s Project Assessment Request (PAR) findings as outlined in Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (Guide) Section 5701.10.
Please click below to see instructions on how to complete this form.
Instructions for Completing Not Eligible Status1 Data Form
The form must be completed by a Freddie Mac Seller/Servicer2 or an Authorized Representative of the Homeowners Association (HOA)3. An Authorized Representative of the Homeowners Association is either a member of its board of directors or its project property manager.
1. Submission Type – Eligibility Information, Information Request, General Information, or Appeal
Freddie Mac Seller/Servicer:
Select “Eligibility Information” if you have any information that could impact, or that is inconsistent with, a project’s PAR findings and you are submitting information that supports your conclusion.
Select “Information Request” if you are requesting the reason Condo Project Advisor®4 assigned a Not Eligible status to a project.
Select “Appeal” if the results of your project review indicate that a project should not be assigned a Not Eligible status and you are submitting information to appeal Condo Project Advisor’s assessment.
Authorized Representative of a HOA:
Select “General Information” if you are seeking information as to whether your project has been assigned a Not Eligible status.
Select “Appeal” if you have been provided the reasons for your project’s Not Eligible status and you are submitting information to appeal Condo Project Advisor’s assessment.
2. Project Name: Enter the project’s legal name, not its marketing name.
3. Project Address: Enter the street address, city, state and zip code for the project. If the project has more than one street address, indicate this in the field. For example, you can enter “More than one street address” for the street address, then provide the city, state and zip code.
4. Freddie Mac Seller/Servicer Name:
Freddie Mac Seller/Servicer: Enter your company name.
Authorized Representative of a HOA: If applicable and known, enter the Freddie Mac Seller/Servicer’s name. This should be the company name for whomever contacted you (e.g., loan officer, lending underwriter, mortgage broker, etc.) with the reasons your project has a Not Eligible status.
5. Freddie Mac Seller/Servicer Number: Enter your Freddie Mac Seller/Servicer Number.
If appealing a project’s Not Eligible status:
6. Not Eligible Status Reason(s):
Freddie Mac Seller/Servicer: Enter the reason(s) listed in the applicable Freddie Mac system’s feedback message(s) received or reason(s) you were provided.
Authorized Representative of the HOA: Enter the reason(s) you were provided related to your project’s Not Eligible status.
7. Explain how the project meets Freddie Mac's requirements for the reason(s) listed in "6" above.
8. Comments (enter any additional information you may want to provide)
Before any information can be processed, Freddie Mac may request the following:
If the person completing the form is an Authorized Representative of the HOA, documentation that details the names of all Authorized Representatives (all board of directors and the project’s property manager) of the HOA.
If an appeal of a Not Eligible status, documentation supporting evidence of compliance with the applicable project review and/or general eligibility requirement(s).
1A “Not Eligible” status is assigned to a project when the project does not meet certain Freddie Mac project review and/or general eligibility requirements. All project review requirements are listed in Guide Section 5701.2(a). All general eligibility requirements are listed in Guide Section 5701.2(b).
2A Freddie Mac Seller/Servicer is an institution approved to: Sell Mortgages to Freddie Mac, and/or Service Mortgages purchased by Freddie Mac. It is not the seller of the property.
3Freddie Mac defines a Homeowners Association (HOA) as an association comprised of unit owners that maintains the common elements for the benefit of the unit owners. In a Condominium Project, the association has no ownership interest in the common elements.
HOA Financials (budget, income statement, balance sheet)
Certified Public Accountant or independent auditor's report
Floor plan of buildings
Plat/site plan/survey plan
Letter of Explanation from HOA detailing HOA's involvement in the residential units' rentals
All project documents, including but not limited to, the Declaration, Master Deed, Bylaws, and Articles of Incorporation
HOA Questionnaire (signed and dated)
HOA Financials (budget, income statement, balance sheet)
Certified Public Accountant or independent auditor's report
Insurance policy or acceptable evidence of insurance coverage
Letter of Explanation from HOA detailing insurance coverage, if applicable (amount and type of coverage, plan to obtain more coverage, insurance funding plan)
All project documents, including but not limited to, the Declaration, Master Deed, Bylaws, and Articles of Incorporation