Servicing: Disaster Relief Policies FAQ
The information on this page is not part of, and is not a replacement or substitute for, the requirements found in the Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide and your other Purchase Documents.
Disaster Forbearance
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- What are the eligibility requirements for disaster forebearance?
- What is the definition of an eligible disaster?
- Can I offer disaster forbearance to impacted borrowers who are current on their mortgage payments?
- Is a written forbearance agreement required, and does Freddie Mac provide a form or template?
- Is an impacted borrower eligible for disaster forbearance if they are already 18 months past due at the time of disaster?
- If a borrower can resume making mortgage payments prior to the scheduled end of the forbearance, can we end forbearance early and work on a permanent solution?
- If a borrower was previously on a COVID-19 forbearance, are they eligible for a disaster forbearance if they are impacted by a natural disaster?
- If a borrower is impacted by a natural disaster but is already more than 12 months delinquent, will Freddie Mac consider a policy exception for disaster forbearance? How can I request this?
- If a borrower who is impacted by a natural disaster (e.g., a hurricane or wildfire) and is still on a COVID-19 forbearance, will they be eligible for disaster forbearance at the completion of their COVID-19 forbearance?
- If a borrower previously had a COVID-19 payment deferral, will they be eligible for the disaster payment deferral at the completion of their disaster forbearance?
Electronic Default Reporting
Property Inspections
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- Am I required to do a property inspection of each property securing a Freddie Mac loan if it is in an eligible disaster area?
- Are there additional requirements for property inspections in eligible disaster areas?
- Will disaster property inspections apply only to eligible disaster areas, or will they be expanded outside of those areas if a properly sustained damage related to a disaster?
Flex/Disaster Modifications
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- What should I do if a borrower on a disaster forbearance plan sends in a complete Borrower Response Package (BRP)?
- What should I do if a borrower's loan was originated less than 12 months prior to my evaluation of the borrower for a loss mitigation option?
- Are we required to obtain documentation if the borrower was more than 31 days delinquent at the time of the disaster?
- Are borrowers in a 90-day forbearance plan eligible for a streamlined offer for a Freddie Mac Flex Modification®?
- Can a borrower who is in an active Trial Period prior to a disaster elect to continue with the Trial Period even if there is property damage or income reduction or must they be placed on a disaster forbearance plan?
- What’s changing with the Flex Modification program?
General Questions
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- Does Freddie Mac offer options for borrowers whose homes are in public assistance areas, as declared by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)?
- What are your requirements for validating that a borrower's income is affected by their place of employment being in a disaster area?
- How much time do I have to complete all call attempts to impacted borrowers?
- When should I resume assessing late fees?