Selling: Disaster Relief Policies FAQ
The information on this page is not part of, and is not a replacement or substitute for, the requirements found in the Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide and your other Purchase Documents.
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- If I have a loan in process or a closed loan not yet delivered to Freddie Mac and a disaster occurs, is the mortgage eligible for sale to Freddie Mac?
- What documentation is necessary to determine the eligibility of a mortgage following a disaster?
- Are there special delivery requirements for mortgages utilizing documentation flexibilities that are secured by properties located in Eligible Disaster Areas?
- Is the Seller required to establish an escrow account when the property damage is minor but the property requires repairs?
Disaster Policy Flexibilities and Requirements
- Does Freddie Mac offer any flexibilities related to age of documentation for mortgages impacted by a disaster?
- If Loan Product Advisor® (LPASM) automatically pulls new credit on mortgages that are submitted or resubmitted 120 days or more after the date of the initial/current credit report, how can the age of documentation flexibility be...
Representation and Warranty Relief – Automated Collateral Evaluation (ACE) Appraisal Waiver and Loan Collateral Advisor
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- Will Freddie Mac suspend ACE appraisal waiver eligibility and appraised value representation and warranty relief in areas impacted by disasters?
- May I accept an ACE appraisal waiver offer if my property is located in a disaster area?
- Does Freddie Mac provide appraised value representation and warranty relief through Loan Collateral Advisor® if the property securing the mortgage is located in a disaster area?