On October 7, 2012, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae (the GSEs) will update the Uniform Collateral Data Portal® (UCDP®) to implement enhancements for appraisal submissions to both GSEs. The enhancements include:

Updates to Error Messaging (Hard Stop 9001)

Hard Stop 9001 (appraisal data in invalid format) will be modified to provide additional information on the reason the hard stop was issued. The updated hard stop message will be displayed in the user interface and the Submission Summary Report (SSR). Integrated users should check with your technology solution provider to understand when the enhanced messaging will be a part of their integrated solution.

Review the table below for the causes of the hard stop:

9001 Hard Stop – CausesCause Description/Examples
PDF for conversion is not a PDFThis occurs when the PDF file that was submitted through the Veros PDF Extraction Service, within the UCDP, isn't a PDF and/or is corrupted in some manner causing the UCDP not to be able to recognize it.
Appraisal file deleted or renamed prior to submissionThis occurs when an appraisal file is selected either through the Submit screen or Appraisal View/Edit screen (to upload a corrected appraisal file) and the appraisal file is deleted or renamed before it is submitted.
XML is not well-formedThis occurs when the submitted XML document is not a complete and valid XML document. This usually occurs because of a syntax error such as missing or additional tags and/or XML related characters.
XML contains non-UTF8 charactersThis occurs when the UCDP accepts XML documents that are formatted using the UTF8 encoding. If the XML document contains characters that are not encoded using UTF8, this error will be raised.
XML file type cannot be auto-detectedThis occurs when the submitted document is not a valid appraisal XML file as accepted by the UCDP. Examples could be where the user accidentally grabs the wrong XML file or the file is not an accepted appraisal type (1004D).
XML file does not match the specified format and form(DI submissions only) 
This occurs when the user submits an XML file that doesn’t match the indicated format and form (e.g., an XML file is submitted as a 1004, but the actual file is a 1073). 
XSD check failureThis occurs when the submitted XML document fails to validate against a predefined XSD (XML Schema Definition).

View/Edit Screen Update

The View/Edit screen in the UCDP will be updated to add the SSR icon, making the SSR accessible for each appraisal when viewing or editing appraisal information. As reminder, the SSR can also be retrieved in the UCDP through:

  • The Search Screen - Click on the Search icon or tab from the UCDP Home page and enter the desired Search Criteria. The loans that met the criteria of your search will be displayed. Locate the appropriate Document File ID and click the Download SSR icon (to the right of the Edit link).
  • The Reports Screen - Click on the Reports tab, select Submission Reports, and then select Submission Summary Report. Enter the Document File ID, click Run, and click the Export to PDF icon (to the left of the Print Report icon).

Note: No changes will be made to the current SSR format.

Appraiser Trainee License Number

The hard stops that validate the “State License #” field will be updated to account for appraiser “trainees” who are not issued a state license number. For these trainees, the value of “trainee” should be entered in the field labeled “or Other (describe).” The “State License #” field can be left blank (previously a value of “trainee” was recommended).

Please note that if a trainee is issued a license number, that number should be entered in the “State License #” field and the word “trainee” should be entered in the field labeled “or Other (describe).”

With this update to the UCDP, the guidance provided on the Appraiser Trainee License Number in the UAD Update - April, 2012 [PDF] can be disregarded. For more information on the UAD fields and requirements refer to UAD Specification Appendix D, Field-Specific Standardization Requirements [PDF]. Links to both can be found in the sidebar. 

This communication relates to the Uniform Mortgage Data Program®, an effort undertaken jointly by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac at the direction of their regulator, the Federal Housing Finance Agency.