On May 7, 2021 we announced that Freddie Mac would be updating our Loan Quality Advisor® URLs to strengthen the security of our tools and technology and safeguard your information. The production URLs are now available for you to begin using. Please coordinate this change with your loan origination system (LOS) software partner as needed.

A few important reminders:

  • This update is only applicable to Loan Quality Advisor system-to-system (S2S) integration clients.
  • We encourage you to test your integration in the customer test environment (CTE) prior to implementing in production. (See details below.)
  • Your Loan Quality Advisor login credentials will remain the same.
  • Access through the current Loan Quality Advisor S2S URLs will no longer be available after August 31, 2021.

Loan Quality Advisor Submission Request

Loan Quality Advisor Retrieval Request


Test in the CTE Before You Integrate the New URLs

Before you integrate the new production URLs, we encourage you to test your integration in the CTE using the following test URLs:

Loan Quality Advisor Submission Request

Loan Quality Advisor Retrieval Request

If you have questions, please contact the Customer Support Contact Center (800-FREDDIE), your Freddie Mac representative or your LOS software partner.