With Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (Guide) Bulletin 2021-17, we are publishing our eligibility and underwriting requirements for the Freddie Mac Refi PossibleSM mortgage. The Guide Bulletin is a follow up to the Federal Housing Finance Agency announcement last week on a new refinance option backed by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae mortgages. 

Freddie Mac’s Refi Possible mortgage offering is designed to assist lower-income borrowers earning 80% or less of area median income (AMI) on an existing Freddie Mac-owned mortgage. Eligible borrowers will receive meaningful refinancing benefits including a reduction in interest rate and a lower monthly mortgage payment.

Loan Product Advisor® and Loan Selling Advisor® will be updated on August 30, 2021 to reflect the Refi Possible requirements. 

Review the Guide Bulletin for detailed requirements.