We’ve made some changes in Quality Control Advisor® that create efficiencies for you – and us – while maintaining high-quality loan origination practices. Here’s a look at what’s changed to improve your user experience and allow us to respond your submitted appeals more quickly.

What’s Changing?

  • New categorization of documents makes documents easier to identify – Save time and more easily find documents later with a new step that requires you to apply a document type when you upload documents for single loan appeals.

  • Error handling for document types and due dates keep you on-track – Get clarity around which document types are an issue and be alerted when your appeal due date has already passed.

  • Multi doc uploads save time – Get the same validations provided by single loan appeals in a fraction of the time by addressing multiple loans at once. Feedback identifies any documents that have errors and allows you to adjust your submission to resolve the errors.

  • Quick views of due dates and upload statuses provide insights – View upload statuses for appeals on the Document Upload log.

  • Single-Family Seller/Servicer Guide (Guide) alignment speeds up appeals and strengthens quality – The tool will now automatically validate that cover letters are included on all appeals, ensuring an explanation is provided and Guide requirements are met.

These changes are all live now. So, log in to the tool, check them out and see how much easier and faster your appeals can be. For more information, view our updated online help.