Use Access Manager to set up your organization for success
Freddie Mac Access Manager is a self-service system that lets you create, manage, and provision your users' access to certain Freddie Mac Single-Family sourcing and servicing tools and applications.
New User Information
Contact the designated Access Manager administrator at your company to register you for the needed application(s). Only administrators have the ability to set up and manage application access for users.
- To find your Access Manager Administrator follow the below workflow or call the Customer Support Contact Center at (800-FREDDIE).
Access Manger: Find My Administrator Guide
Registered/Existing User(s)
- Contact your company Access Manager Administrator for additional user access or a password reset.
Registered Administrators
- Please see helpful links below or reach out to the Customer Support Contact Center at (800-FREDDIE) for additional assistance.
Additional Resources
New Access Manager Registration
If your company is not enrolled in access manager, please complete the form below and a Freddie Mac representative will contact you within two business days for more information, assist you in getting your organization registered and start managing user access to Freddie Mac tools and applications.
For expedited onboarding to Access Manager, please call the Customer Support Contact Center at (800-FREDDIE).
- Access Manager is a self-service system that enables Seller/Servicers who have registered and received Freddie Mac's authorization, to create, manage, and provision multiple users' access to certain Freddie Mac Single-Family sourcing and servicing tools and applications.
- If you only have 1 employee/user, we do not recommend Access Manager.
A fast system for managing access to Freddie Mac’s tools and applications.
Access Manager enables you to grant and control access to Freddie Mac tools. To save time and clicks. Access Manager eliminates most manual forms and lets you submit information electronically. Processing time to generate user ID and password can be as little as minutes. So you can certify/recertify users, get real-time reporting on-demand and reduce the amount of time spent on access management.